Chapter Forty

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Where are you?

I look down at the text from Hex as the cememonial music plays in the background. My other cousins, Meredith's sister's, had just begun to walk down the aisle, dressed in blue, floor-length dresses that had been picked out for all the bridesmaid's.

I let the screen fade into black without answering as my attention is drawn back to the groom. He looks good, wearing his black suit. A navy one would've matched the theme better though.

Answer me.

"Poppy, get off your phone!" mum hisses at me from my right as she lightly pinches my leg.

"Sorry" I mumble as I power my phone off.

Meredith steps through the doors; my uncle, her father, has his arm linked between her's as the guest's rise from their seats. She looks lovely; her dress drags behind her in a train as the rest is tight on her body with thin straps over the shoulders.

I look between Meredith and her soon-to-be husband, James. They lock eyes the second Meredith walks through the door. They're Darlings and had been dating for years, meeting at the age of eighteen through high school.

I'm stuck between a feeling of awe and jealousy as I look at them. Meredith is a year younger then me but it seems she's so much further ahead in life. Then again she hadn't had her Darling locked away for twelve years.

"Doesn't she look lovely?" mum whispers to me in awe, the spark in her eyes showing her emotional state. I nod but I doubt she see's it as her eyes are glued to Meredith. The longing is all over her face, she wants this for me. I still had to tell her she wouldn't get to see me at the end of the aisle for at least another two years, minimum.

The ceremony passes as they read their vows and the rings slide onto fingers. The guests stand and clap as the bride and groom walk out together before everyone leaves to gather outside. I stand with mum and dad. Most of my family are here and it's been years since I'd seen some of them, I don't recognized most faces.

I pull my phone from my handbag and turn it on. It lights up with messages from Hex and two missed calls. I worry for a split second, he never calls. Had something happened?

"I need to make a call" I wave my phone at mum as I walk away. Dad is beside her and takes no notice as he talks to my uncle.

"Poppy!" she managers to hold a stiff smile but I can tell she's getting annoyed with me.

"Mum, it's Hex" I say back quietly before walking away without another word.

I'm about to press the call button but a call from Hex comes through before I can.


"Where are you?" Hex's voice comes through. I expect him to sound angry that I had ignored his texts but he doesn't, instead the tinitest hint of worry can be detected in his rough tone.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I question as I block the ear my phone isn't on as a group of guys a few feet away erupt in laughter.

"Who's that?" the hint of jealousy in his tone pulls a small smile from my lips. "Where are you?" he questions again.

"I'm at my cousins wedding, Hex" I explain. He's silent for a moment and I wonder if it's because someone is coming.

He grunts as the silence sits between us. I watch as my aunty joins mum, dad and my uncle. She must've asked where I was because mum points me out; I send a wave her way.

"Are you coming back on Monday?" he asks. It pulls a smile from me again.

"Hex Rose, did you think I left Hellbound?" I tease; he says nothing, waiting for my answer "yes, I'm coming back on Monday".

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