Chapter TwentySeven

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"Again?" West grunts, unhappy. I stand in the doorway while the TV consumes his attention.

"What do you mean again? I haven't had a night shift in week's" I argue. I don't know what happened at the station but West came home in a bad mood and it's carried on into our conversation. I can't understand why he has a problem with me doing a night shift when he does them all the time and we haven't been spending time alone even if we are both home so what's the issue?

"I don't know why you'd want to spend time with a bunch of criminal's anyway" he mutters, ignoring my question when he had no answer for it.

His statement pisses me off, my automatic protection of anyone that speaks ill against Hex coming in full force. I force the words back down my throat before I blurt them out.

"It's my job, West" I cross my arms, getting ready for an argument as my anger heats up.

"And you agreed to 8pm to 4am!" he swings his arm's out wide. The longer he continues looking at the TV and not at me the angrier I grow.

I walk closer to him, standing behind the couch that he resides on "no I didn't, I don't know where you got that from" I hiss between my teeth. He leans his head back on the rest and runs his hands over his face.

"Well, I don't want you working there anymore!" he shouts as he stands up, finally making eye contact with me.

"Even if I didn't want to work there West, I don't have a choice!" I make it clear as I shout back, not getting intimidated like he wants me to.

He shakes his head as he starts towards the hallway that leads to the bedroom "I knew it wasn't a good idea, letting you work with those men" I hear him mutter as he passes me. My breath gets caught in my throat before it rushes back out in anger.

"What the fuck is that meant to mean?" I spit as he turns to face me, now standing in the doorway of the hallway.

"I don't know, Poppy!" he opens his arms wide again in extravagance "you've changed since you've started working there!"

"It's called independence, West!" I copy him with my arms "I'm not under your thumb anymore and you don't like it!" the first sign of genuine anger crosses his face when he absorbs my words.

"Under my thumb? I've never stopped you from doing anything" he says calmly as he crosses his arms and his legs stand in a wide stance. If he thought his calmness would calm me, he thought wrong. I have no doubt steam is visible from my ears at this point.

"Oh really! The car, the money, my friends! You controlled it all!" I lift a finger for each point as he shakes his head.

He turns and walks down the hall, towards the bedroom, leaving me standing like an idiot. I turn to walk into the kitchen with the intention of grabbing the car keys and my bag, planning to head to Hellbound early.

"You know what, Poppy?" I hear from down the hall, stopping me in my tracks "fuck all the inmate's you want because when we're married you're done working there!" I hear the bedroom door slam shut behind him.

I'm stuck in place for a moment before my anger reaches boiling point when I walk past his precious football trophies and shove the first one off the stand and onto the floor causing a massive crash, unfortunately it doesn't break.

Grabbing my belonging's I quickly head out the house before a second argument can commence. I skid the car out of the driveway, not caring about the feeings of our neighours as I head towards Hellbound.

I have no doubt West knows I've been more then friendly with someone at Hellbound, maybe I didn't hide it as well as I thought I had. I couldn't care less to be honest, selfishly it's one less thing to worry about, and it only means I don't have to tell him about Hex if he already knows.

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