Chapter ThirtySix

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"Why did you key my car?" I mutter as I type out the message to a number that I didn't think I'd have to text again. I lock my phone and slide it back into my pocket before coming out of the bathroom.

My feet click as I make my way back to the Rec Room. Guard's buzz around, preparing for visitation. Most of the inmate's are in the Rec Room, watching as everyone passes by them.

Hex remains in his cell, still on lockdown and unable to have visitor's. There's been no further word on the condition of Aaron besides the fact he's stable but still remains in a coma.

"We should start getting the inmate's" I say to Josie as she logs off the computer and stands, grabbing her gun and pepper spray and clipping them onto her belt buckles.

"Lets go" Colin doesn't pay us any attention as his gaze is set firmly on the computer, as it always is.

One by one we move the inmate's from the Rec Room to the Visitation Room. All the inmate's comply without any problem, knowing that if they play up that their right to visitation would be taken away for an unlimited amount of time.

I lean against the wall, watching as the visitor's come in one by one and find their family member or friend that waits for them at the table. Josie had just brought in the last inmate as she uncuffs him and sits him at the table before coming my way.

"Whew" she says as she wipes her sweaty forehead. The prison seems as though it's getting hotter and hotter each day as we move further and further into summer. "Hot one today".

"I know, would've thought that the prison would have aircon installed by now" I complain. The uniformed shorts that we both wear stick to our skin due to the humidity.

"Hey" Josie bumps her shoulder with mine and nods her head to the doorway where the inmate's loved one's walk through. The long, silky black hair catches my attention right away. Harley is here.

She stands in the doorway, looking out over the crowd, clearly looking for Hex.

"What's she doing here? Did no one tell her Hex is in lockdown?" I ask as I push off the wall and head in her direction.

Her gaze finds me as I weave between people; she throws me a small smile as I give her one back.

"Hey Harley, how are you?" I ask as I grab her arm and turn her away from the crowded room and into the corner.

"Poppy, where's Hex?" she asks straight away, the worry evident on her face.

"He's okay, he's just um, he's been put on lockdown" I reveal. Her face shows a mix between relief and also concern.

"Why? Is he okay?" she asks as she places her hand on my forearm.

I nod and preceed to tell her all the details from between now and the fight last week, filling her in on every detail that the prison had failed to tell her before she showed up today. The worry leaves her face when she finds out Hex is okay but frustration builds the more I talk.

"I thought we were done with this" she mutters as she rubs her temples. "He's going to be back in here as soon as he's out if every little thing triggers him".

"Believe it or not but I think he's managing his anger better lately, at least since I've been here" I throw in as she seems caught up in her own mind.

"How long is he going to be on lockdown?" she asks as we watch a guard pass us and head to an inmate.

"I don't know, probably until the trail comes up. It shouldn't be too far away" I explain. The last time Hex had a trial for the first fight that Aaron instigated was only shortly after everything happened. It's taking longer this time, I'm assuming because they only have one side of the story as Aaron can't give his statement.

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