Chapter ThirtyTwo

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Hex pulls out slowly, the sensitivity making me wince and arch my back; he runs a hand down my spine keeping me in a bent position. I watch in the mirror as he grabs hand towel and cleans our mess between my legs.

He leans down and presses a kiss to the middle of my back as I stand up.

"We should hurry, we've been gone too long" I breathe lowly as I'm still out of breath, pulling my underwear and pants back into place. Hex had already tucked himself away and came to stand behind me, burying his face in my neck.

I bask in the affection, almost in a dream like state as I watch him plant the gentlest of kisses to my skin. His large hands find their place on my hips and pull me back into him as he becomes rougher and starts to grind me into him.

"Okay, lets go" I chuckle and pull away making him grunt.

Thankfully there's no one outside the bathroom as I lead Hex by his cuffs to his cell. I look directly at the camera as it focuses on us, my cheeks redden knowing Josie had seen us enter and exit the bathroom.

The sound of cuffs jiggling can be heard before a guard and Aaron round the corner. Aaron's face lights up as soon as he sees us and not in a good way, more devious. The tension between Aaron and Hex fills the hallway, suffocating me.

No words are exchanged but when Aaron's gaze moves to me as he passes by, Hex pauses. I can feel the tightness in his muscles through the cuffs as he refuses to walk until Arron is out of sight.

Aaron doesn't let up, loving the anger he's creating in Hex. Just as he's rounding the corner he lifts his index and middle finger to his mouth, his tongue filling the gap between them.

"Motherfucker" Hex growls and yanks on the cuffs to go after him.

"Hex, leave it. He's purposely riling you up, it's a game to him" I dig my feet into the ground as I hold onto his cuffs. My boots slide along the floor slightly before Hex stops pulling. He keeps his eyes firmly locked on the corner Arron had just rounded, expecting him to come back. "C'mon" I say softly, breaking him out of it as he willingly follows me.

The Solitary Confinement inmate's surprise me when we enter; they call and greet Hex as they see him for the first time in a week.

"Rose! Where've you been?"

"Rose is back!"

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Hex pays them no mind, not even bothering to look at them. I had no idea Hex is this popular within Solitary Confinement; in fact I thought no one knew of him considering he is mostly separated from everyone.

"What was that?" I question once we make it to the safety of his cell. Hex walks over to his bed, lifting the pillow before placing it back down once he see's the phone and my underwear are still there.

"Ignore them, they're a bunch of fuckwit's" he grunts. I watch as he goes around the room and examines his things, making sure everything is there and that no one had touched anything. Everything seems to be where he left it as he comes to stand in front of me, his arms reaching above his head to grab the beam on the ceiling.

The sight is enough to make my mouth water. Instead I wrap my arms around his middle and squeeze.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say as he presses a harsh kiss to the top of my head but keeps his hands on the beam.

He watches me leave as I lock his cell door and the outside door. The inmate's keep quiet as I walk through, nothing like when I walked through with Hex. I wonder briefly why they did it, Hex made it very clear he is not friendly with any of them.

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