Chapter Nineteen

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Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. I'm still angry though, not being able to shake it. Their smiles continually flash through my mind, only adding to my anger. Her stupid laugh as he talked and her stupid hand touching his.

I hadn't seen Hex since I left him in his cell. The rest of my shift distracts me as I had to focus on the other inmate's and visitor's as they come and go all day. The daily routine of taking the inmate's out to the Yard had been postponed for today; apparently it'd be easier to keep control of everyone if they stayed in their cells. I didn't have a problem with it; it meant I wouldn't have to face Hex.

"What's on your mind?" West asks as he pauses the movie that's currently on the television. I must've zoned out, something that's becoming more and more common as I grow closer to Hex.

I sigh and rub my forehead "we had visitation today, it was kind of hard to see all the families split up, you know?" it was hard seeing the split families but that isn't the reason I'm stuck in my head, I couldn't tell West that though.

He hums "understandable" he runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back "just remember they're still criminal's, Poppy, don't feel bad for them" he unpauses the movie.

Something about his statement doesn't sit well with me "they're not all bad" I mumble. I turn my eyes to the TV but I still see West give me a look from my peripheral, I pretend I don't see it.


My shift started late today, missing breakfast with the inmate's. I walk into the Rec Room with my head held high, not letting the emotions of yesterday get to me. I know he's in here as soon as I walk through the door, my body not being able to ignore the effect he has on it no matter how hard I try. His eyes stay glued to my body as I walk towards Tower Three.

My skin erupts in goosebumps.

"Poppy!" I turn in a circle looking for the masculine voice that called my name. The white lab coat catches my attention.

"Dr. Nelson!" I smile at him, taking a step in his direction. He holds files under his arm as he walks up to me.

"How've you been? How do you like Hellbound?" he asks enthusiastically as he places a hand on my shoulder, leading me over to a far wall and away from the inmate's in the Rec Room. I know he's watching, his eyes watch Dr. Nelson's hand closely.

"Yeah, I'm getting the hang of it" I laugh, probably too over the top but I don't care, just as long as Hex hears it.

"Good, good" he nods along "the inmate's treating you well?" he takes a step closer to me. His ring finger with his wedding band is hidden behind the files he holds, there's no chance of Hex seeing it.

I place my hand on Dr. Nelson's forearm, the motion seeming flirtatious.

"Yeah, no problems" I smile. Dr. Nelson's eyes go to my hand before he gives me a strange look and pulls away.

"Alright well, I'll see you around Poppy" he backs away, waving goodbye.

"See you around Dr." I copy his movements before continuing on my way to Tower Three. He's angry, I can feel it. It pulls a smirk from my lips.

"Good morning you two" I sing as I enter the Tower, putting my bag away in my locker.

"Ah, look who is finally here" Josie says exasperated as she lifts her arms into the air. Colin's quiet goodmorning can be heard under Josie's louder voice.

"What's happening today?" I ask as I look out the window over the Rec Room. To Josie and Colin it would look like I was just scanning over the inmate's but my eyes catch him quickly. Hex's anger is notable from here; his hands fisted and his forehead tight with anger as he sits at the table by himself.

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