Chapter TwentyEight

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"You look like a right mess" Josie chuckles as I push open the door to Tower Three. Colin must not be working tonight, thankfully.

After unwillingly pulling myself away from Hex I left him in his cell while I waddled my way to the bathroom, hoping the cameras were too fuzzy to pick up on my stiff legs. I had cleaned up quickly, realising I haven't got underwear on as Hex must've hidden them before I noticed, again. I thought I looked half decent but according to Josie I don't.

"Is it my hair?" I ask as I open my locker and look in the small mirror that hangs from the door as I smooth my hands over my head.

"I'm joking" she laughs "you look fine". I breathe a sigh of relief as I close the locker. The clock on the wall reads that it's well into the early morning hours.

"Did anyone notice I was gone?" I ask. She looks tired and I feel guilty knowing that it's my fault; if I was here she could have slept for a bit.

"Nope, no one even came in" she replies. Another breath of relief slips from my mouth.

There's no way I can sleep, still too wound up on adrenaline so instead I keep watch as Josie does her best to get comfortable in her chair and then she's out like a light. I spend my time skimming through the cameras, keeping a close eye on the one in Solitary Confinement even though I know Hex is locked securely in his cell.

I'm uncomfortable, my back hurts from sitting in one position and the movement of my pants against the sensitive, bare skin between my legs creates too much friction.

It's quieter then usual, they must've had trouble organising people to take the night shift because I barely see anyone walking about and nobody came into the tower, allowing me to sit in my thoughts for a while.

There wasn't much to think about honestly. West knows something's going on and after his behaviour last night I couldn't care less about his feelings after the way he spoke to me. The fact that he brought up marriage, even with all our issuse's weighs heavy on me.

I find myself at my parent's front door as the sun is rising early in the morning. I debate whether I should sit in my car until West has gone to work and then drive home or go inside mum and dad's but knowing mum she's already awake and has most likely seen my car from the window.

"Hi honey" she greets me. She's wrapped in her purple dressing gown with slippers covering her feet. Her hair flies in a mess around her head and she's free of the perfect make up that usually covers her skin.

"Hi mum, can I come in?"

"Of course, of course" she shuffles out of the way. The car in the driveway shows that dad hasn't left for work yet; he probably has a few more minutes of sleeping before he needs to wake up.

It's silent as she leads the way to the kitchen. It's funny how only after a few years of not living here that it feels like a strangers home and not my childhood house. I know she wants to know why I'm here, the only time I willingly come here is our once a week dinner dates.

"West and I had a fight last night" I confess as I lean on the island, she turns to face me from where she's making us both coffees.

"Fight? Like physical fight?" she questions as her eyes round out and the blood drains from her face.

"God no, mum. Just verbal, it was really bad" she places the cup of coffee in front of me. I don't usually drink coffee but I've never needed it more then right now.

"What about?" she asks curiously. In the background dads alarm rings from the bedroom. Mum has made him a coffee too as it steams over by the sink.

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