Chapter ThirtyOne

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By Friday I'm completely warn out. Whether it is from the situation with West or the lack of Hex, I don't know but both we're having an effect on me.

I'm meant to go to West's house tonight and grab my stuff; Josie and Harvey had offered to come with me when Josie had seen the apprehension on my face. I appreciate it a lot; the worry of having to see West again was enough to have me pulling my hair out. I have to get my belongings though, I was going to give him the house but I just want my stuff.

As for Hex, every morning I check to see if overnight he'd been brought back to his cell but my heart breaks that tiny bit more every morning he's not there. The quick ten minute check in's once a day I get with him aren't enough, I can't even recall the last time I had touched his skin and that is having a real impact on me. I felt sluggish, like I hadn't eaten in days. It's been hard to sleep too, my mind runs in circles as I lay in bed thinking about him but unable to touch him, I can't even call him because he hasn't got his phone.

The entire week hadn't been a pity party though, I had bought a car. It's run down and almost as old as I am but it runs and that's all that matters and it was within my budget. Josie had been driving me to work and home but from Wednesday onwards I had been driving myself and despite the bumpy ride I felt good, I felt independent. I had also gone to my doctor and been put on birth control pills, another worry checked off my list.

"Hel- are you feeling alright, Poppy?" Colin asks as I enter Tower Three. Honestly no, I feel like shit having barely slept last night. Josie swings around in her chair, not having heard me walk in. She looks worried once she takes me in.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I huff "didn't sleep well last night" I explain and take a seat after putting my bag in my locker. Colin accepts my excuse but Josie knows better when she continues looking at me. She has her own Darling and I'm sure she's felt the effects of being away from him for too long before.

"Alright, I've got to get the inmate's for breakfast" Josie stands.

"I'll come" I stand up to join her.

"No, no, you stay here, I'll do it" she places a hand on my shoulder and pushes me down into my chair. I don't bother as I deflate in my seat, I have no energy to argue with her and by the determined look on her face that's exactly what she was gearing up for.

It's early afternoon when Josie gets back, having taken on both mine and her jobs outside of Tower Three while I had taken over the job of monitoring the cameras. I pay the most attention to the cameras facing the doorway that leads into the Psychiatric Ward, hoping to see Hex walk out but I never do.

Colin stays with me most of the time although no talking ensures as he hurriedly types away. I don't even know what he does but it must be important considering how much he works.

"That was a nightmare" Josie breathes as she walks through the door, I swing around to face her.

"What happened?" I ask, I hadn't seen anything on the cameras.

"Three inmate's are on food strikes for god knows what reason, how do they even do that, they have nothing else to do but eat in here" she shakes her head flabbergasted "then there was a fight in the Yard between two brothers over their mothers inheritance, they're in prison do they understand they can't use it?" she wipes the sweat from her hairline as she takes a seat. I hold back a chuckle, I guess today was a good day to miss the morning routine.

My radio buzzes in my pocket; I pull it out "Poppy" Reg's voice sounds through it.

"Hi Reg, what can I do for you?" I ask.

"Hex Rose is ready to be taken back to his cell" my breath hitches in my throat. Josie hears Reg's announcement too but Colin has his headhones on and is oblivious.

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