Chapter ThirtyFour

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I wipe my face clear of tears as Josie pulls away.

"That was close Poppy, you can't risk that again" she says "that could've got me into serious trouble too".

"I know I know; I'm sorry" I apologise as we take a seat in the chairs. I feel guilty all around. Guilty that Hex got pepper sprayed and thrown to the floor and guilty that Josie is lying for me. I want nothing more then to go home and go to bed.

"What are you going to say in the statement?" she asks. I shrug.

"I have no idea" I breathe as my attention turns to the cameras. I flick through them until I can find the nurses office camera where Hex still remains. His face is grumpy even through the blood that marks his skin. His knuckles are ripped, bloody and swollen while his skin already starts to bruise. I flick it to another camera, not wanting to watch as he winces at the stitches and antiseptic wipes.

"Probably just best to say Aaron yelled something out but you didn't hear it" she suggests. I guess half of it's true, Aaron did yell something out but I heard it loud and clear, the memory sending a shiver of disgust through me. "I mean, he's unconscious in the hospital so it's not like he's going to dispute your statement".

"He's unconscious?" I hold my face in my hands, there's no way Hex is getting out of this one.

"Yeah, he got carried out on a stretcher and everything. Hex really messed him up" Josie is not making this any better.

"Oh god" I mumble into my hands.

Things return back to normal over the next hour. I have no doubt that the inmate's know what happened by now, word travels fast in a prison. The guards are on high alert for anyone that's willing to copycat the situation.

I had switched cameras to follow Hex through the halls. He had been taken to the nurse's office and then from there straight to his cell, relieving me. Anything but the Psychiatric Ward again.

"I should go make that statement" I mumble to Josie as I stand up.

"Good luck" she wishes before I leave. I make my way over to Tower One where Reg usually resides. Tower One is definitely the busiest tower out of the four. Multiple people come in and out of the door as I walk up the steps.

"Reg?" I call through the door; he turns from a desk and greets me.

"Welcome Poppy" he waves me over to him. I walk over on shaky legs; everybody else ignores me as they go about their work. I follow Reg into a small separate room; it's soundproof and looks like an interrogation room. It makes my anxiety spike. "It's okay, don't worry. You're not in trouble; you're just going to explain everything that happened. This is really important, we have no camera footage to back anything up so we need your point of view" he explains.

"Right" I nod "well um, I was walking Rose back from the Yard, everything was fine and we got to hallway three, nobody was there and we were almost at the end when Briggs came from behind us. He had no cuffs on and no guard with him so I don't know how he ended up there. Anyway, he shouted something to Rose. I don't know what it was, I didn't hear it". I ramble, it falls out of my mouth, most of it correct except for the parts shared only between Hex and I.

Reg nods "okay and your knee's?" he glances down at my knees as I do the same. My throat closes up as I see them, they're red and bruised in some areas, I hadn't even noticed.

"I-uh, I tripped" I make up an excuse. Of course it wasn't from tripping, it was from sucking off Hex in the hallway but I couldn't exactly say that.

"You tripped?" he raises an eyebrow as he writes something down. I can feel myself starting to become flustered but I try my best to keep calm.

"Yes, tripped. While I was trying to separate them" he nods his head, believing me now.

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