Chapter ThirtyEight

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The sun is going down as I enter the prison, the lady at the window walks past me, leaving for the night.

It's two days until Hex's hearing and tonight will be the last time I get to see him before the hearing as I have tomorrow off.

I scan my keycard, opening the door. I walk straight as I look to the left hallway, knowing Hex is just behind that door.

Only Colin is in the tower, Josie worked today and isn't working the night shift. It made me slightly sad, I'm sure tonight will be lonely as Colin likes to keep to himself most of the time. We greet each other with a hello before we both sit at the computers. I watch the cameras but it's so quiet tonight that nobody triggers them.

After hours of silence between Colin and I; I decide I need to leave. The overwhelming urge to go to Hex consumes me, making me unable to concentrate.

"Hey Colin" I touch his arm, making him jump in place "sorry, I'm going to go get some food from the kitchen, did you want anything?" I ask.

"No thank you" he says simply before returning to the screen. Hopefully he's too consumed with his work to worry about where I am because I know I'll be gone longer then it takes the average person to go to the kitchen and back.

I skip down the step's and then speed walk out the Rec Room, eager to get to Hex. I don't know what it is but something about tonight is different, my body is craving him more then usual.

It's silent when I enter Solitary Confinement; all the inmate's are asleep. I try my best to open the door leading to Hex's cell quietly and it works; only a squeak of the hinge's is heard. Hex is lying awake when I enter, he must've heard the door opening.

He lies on his back, arms folded behind his head as he looks at me through the small window. His bare chest shows off all his tattoos as the blanket that's pushed to the bottom of the bed shows the rest of his body as he lies in his underwear.

"What are you doing here?" he asks; his voice gravelly and deep, showing that he had previously been asleep.

"Wanted to see you" I answer as I close the cell door behind me and shuffle in his direction. His arm winds around my waist and pulls me down onto the bed next to him.

"Off" he tugs at my pants with his fingers as he turns into me.

"No, I have to go back soon, Josie's not here tonight to cover for me" I explain hushly as he pulls my knee up and over his waist.

He hums under his breath as his throat vibrates onto my skin. I don't know when he figured it out that Josie knows about us but it must have been before he made me suck his cock in the hallway, knowing that she'd be on the cameras.

I ignore the heartbeat between my legs as I press my hips harder into Hex's side.

"Did Reg come by and tell you about your hearing?" I ask, whispering between us, not wanting to interrupt the peaceful silence.

He hums, confirming what I had thought as his arm tightens around me "are you nervous?" I ask.

"No, fucker's not dead yet" he says blankly as his nose nuzzles my hair.

I slap my hand against his chest "don't jinx it!" I hiss as I sit up on my elbow and look down at him. His mouth cracks a small smirk.

"You going to visit me for the next thirty years?" he questions, winding me up as he talks about what will happen if Aaron doesn't come out of the coma.

"I don't want to" I grumble as I lie back down "but I will".

"You won't have to, baby" he pulls me on top of him as our brands find each other through my shirt. One hand tangles in my hair, holding my head to his chest as the other rubs up and down my back. My body deflates into him, the feeling almost instantly making me sleepy.

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