Chapter Nine

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I need some advice. I can't go to anyone close to me; they all think Hex has been dead for years. I bid West a goodbye this morning with a kiss on the cheek when he left to go to work. I don't have to go into Hellbound until 6 o'clock tonight for my night shift so I have all day to myself and it's exactly what I need.

West took the car to the station so my only form of transportation are my legs. The store is only around the corner so I decide to walk there, getting enough groceries to last for the week before I start on my real mission of the day.

The church.

It takes just over an hour of walking before I reach the church. The last time I was here mum drove me and I hadn't been back since, the experience somewhat traumatising.

It looks exactly the same as it always had.


The street is empty except for the occasional person here and there, there isn't even cars driving by. I walk up the steps on wobbly feet and knock on the wooden door.

I wait a second and when nobody answers I turn the handle and push the door open.

"Hello?" I call out as the door slams shut behind me. Candles light up the room and the coloured glass panes allow the sunlight in to light up the area where the book is kept, just like it did all those years ago.

The door off to the right opens, Priest Simons doesn't step out though.

"Oh, hello. I didn't hear you come in" a lady says. She's a few years older then mum, the wrinkles on her face move with her facial expressions. She's dressed in a gown and wears a cross around her neck.

"I-I knocked" I say. She nods and smiles before waving me towards her.

"Come on in" she walks towards the front of the church "I'm Priest Mary, what can I do for you?"

I look around, the church looks the exact same as it had last time. "Uh, I was actually looking for Priest Simons, would you happen to know where he is?" I ask. Her face drops slightly as she nods, her hands laced in front of her body.

"Oh, Priest Simons passed a couple of years ago" her soft voice floats through the room towards me. He had died? When? "Stroke, dropped dead in his chair" she answers like she had heard my thoughts as she points behind her to the room she walked out of.

"Oh" I whisper, the silence filling the air around us.

"I'll do my best to help you if you'd like?" she offers. I think for a second before shaking my head.

"No, it's okay" I give her a smile. The book lays open as I gaze at it. "Do you mind?" I ask as I point at the book.

"No, no, you go ahead. I'll just be through this door if you need anything" she says as she walks towards the door.

"Thank you".

I step up to the book as she closes the door behind her. I just want to see if my name still resides in the book. It usually is replaced once someone turns twenty two but I just want to make sure.

I flick through, finding my last name and sure enough, it's not where it should be. I slam the book closed sending a cloud of dust into the air, the particles seen in the light.

I don't bother saying goodbye to Priest Mary as I make my way out the door, the slam of the door surely alerting her of my departure.

The street is still quiet as I walk out, the wind whips my hair around my head, blinding me for a second. What am I meant to do now? Who am I meant to ask for advice? I rub my forehead in frustration.

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