Chapter Eighteen

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The remaining hours of my shift are filled with mixed emotions. My heart flutters whenever I think about Hex, so did the area between my legs. My adrenaline is still running high through my veins, from Hex or from Josie almost catching us, I don't know.

I watch the clock tick closer and closer to 4pm, knowing West would be on his way to pick me up soon. As sick as it is, I don't regret anything that happened between Hex and I. Sure I felt guilty if I think about it for too long but that doesn't make me regretful.

I dread thinking about how this is going to impact West and I now. Hex and I's bond had grown closer and tighter, I could feel it. This meant I'd almost certainly withdraw from West, even more then I already have and the worst part is that I most likely won't even notice it.

"You alright, Poppy?" Josie asks, breaking me out of my staring contest with the far wall. She looks concerned as she dips her hand in the bag of chips she'd been nibbling on for the last half an hour.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I say with a smile "that fight earlier kind of shook me up" I make up an excuse, she seems to believe it.

"Understandable, took me a while to get used to it" she says reassuringly. I feel bad lying to her; she took me under her wing and showed me the in's and out's of Hellbound. No only that, but she became one of my only friends besides West.

I'll tell her one day, just not right now.

The clock ticks over 4o'clock as I stand up.

"I'm going home" I stretch and yawn, my back hurting from the desk chair "I'll see you two tomorrow" Colin waves a hand over his shoulder at me.

Josie claps her hands together while her mouth is full "me too!" she mumbles in excitement "bye Colin!" we gather our belongings from the lockers and put our guns and pepper spray securely inside.

"Hey Poppy, I was wondering if you could give me a ride home, my car's at the mechanic and Harvey's working" she asks. I nod as we scan our keycards and walk down the hallway.

"Yeah, West should be waiting" I tell her.

"You really need your own car" she laughs and I know it's true, especially now that West and I are drifting.

Sure enough, West is waiting in front of the entrance for us, the car still running indicating he'd just got here.

"Hi" I say, getting into the car "is it alright we drop Josie off at her house?"

"Hey, yeah no problem" they greet each other as Josie sits in the backseat. It doesn't go unnoticed by me that West doesn't do his usual 'hey babe' with a kiss on the cheek when I enter the car.

Josie lives close to Hellbound. Her house has a small cottage feel to it; flowers cover most of the garden and there's steps going up to her front door. Harvey drives into the driveway just as we pull up; he steps out and waits for Josie before entering the house.

"Thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow Poppy. Nice to meet you, West!" she says as she closes the door and skips her way to Harvey. I wave her goodbye. Both of us watch as she jumps into Harvey's arms and they kiss before going inside, big smiles on both their faces. If I didn't already know they're Darlings that would've made it obvious.

"We'll never have that" West mumbles faintly. I swallow thickly as he pulls away from the curb. We sit in silence the rest of the drive home. It's true what he said, we'll never have that. We aren't Darlings, we will never feel the connection that two Darlings feel.


It's been busy this morning, not with the inmate's but with the guard's. The inmate's remain in their cells with the exception of breakfast. Hex had made this morning less awkward then I was expecting it to be, he acted as though yesterday never happened. I'm glad he did though because I was unable to stop the blush from covering me head to toe, I'm sure he noticed it, there's no way he didn't.

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