Chapter TwentyThree

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It's still dark when I wake next to Hex over the top of me, I don't even have to open my eyes to know it's him as my body reacts the way it does only to him.

"Hex" I groan as he rests his weight on top of me, allowing me to feel every muscled part of him. He says nothing as he shoves his head in my neck. Something about a man like Hex being so vulnerable pulls at my heart, in a good way.

His hand slides down to grip the side of my thigh and lifts it to his hip as he settles firmly between my legs. I hadn't had much sleep and in any other situation I would've brushed the person off but with Hex it's different. My whole body feels like it's on fire and nothing else matters. That could just be the sexual frustration talking after I had stopped myself in the shower last night.

"You think it's funny to get me worked up and then stop?" Hex whispers in my ear. My eyes open, seeing the ceiling of his cell as I realise, even with the earlier events, he hadn't forgotten about the game I'd played last night.

My hand goes to his hair before he grabs both my wrists and pins them to the bed. I gasp; firstly at the unexpectedness and then secondly at the thrust he heaves against me.

"What'd I tell you about that, baby?" he rests his forehead against mine, watching me as my back arches into him. My mouth opens but nothing comes out as he thrusts again and my breath gets stuck in my throat. "What'd I say?" he says more aggressively, nipping at my lips.

"To not do it" I answer, stuttering as he takes up my air.

"So why'd you do it?" he hums as he rests his body further onto me. I shake my head left to right, refusing to answer. "Hope you're ready to make up for it" he growls.

Between my legs becomes damp instantly, well, damper then before. He wastes no time before yanking my shirt over my head, his shirt goes next, our skin hot against each other as our brands make contact.

His fingers make quick work of my pants as he unbuttons them and pulls them off, along with my underwear. He unhooks my bra from the front, my breasts spilling out. His mouth finds them straight away making my back arch into him.

He slides down my body, placing his lips all over my skin, kissing and biting. He's between my legs in no time as they get thrown over his shoulder's. I struggle on the bed as the pleasure becomes too much. His hand holds my hips down, reaching from hip to hip. His mouth finds my cleft, sucking on it and pulling it into his mouth.

I whimper as his hand that's not holding me down goes to work with his mouth, pushing one then two fingers into me. The slickness between my legs and his saliva making it easy work.

My hands search across the bed, wanting to grab onto anything to ground me. I find Hex's hand and wrap my own around his wrist, digging my nails into him. He grunts, I don't know if it's from pain or pleasure but he doesn't pull away from me.

My hips pick up speed trying to somehow get closer to Hex's mouth. The pit in my stomach is getting deeper and deeper as I weigh on the verge of falling over.

"Baby" Hex grunts as he pulls away.

"No, no, no" I chant as I grab at his hand and pull, wanting his mouth back on me.

A slam of a door is heard briefly in the back of my mind. "You hear that?" Hex whispers before he's back between my legs. I choke on a gasp "better be quiet" he picks up the speed making it harder to stop the noises from escaping me.

I open my eyes in slits and look out his cell door window, seeing that I had forgotten to close the door that leads to Hex's cell, making his cell no longer sound proof. I'm pulled in two minds as I hear footsteps walking the hall, I can only hope they don't notice the open door. Hex's mouth consumes my every thought though, pushing the guard to the back of my mind.

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