Chapter FortyOne

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My hands clap together as Meredith and James cut their wedding cake. They both hold the knife as it saws through the cake, his other arm is wrapped around her waist before they turn into each other and kiss.

It makes my heart gush, the love in the air making it hard to feel angry even though I hadn't returned to mum and dad.

"Alright everyone! Lets dance!" Meredith calls over the top of the clapping.

I watch from the side with a flute of champagne in my hand as Meredith and James take the middle of the floor. Everybody watches as they dance in each others arms. My eyes find my aunt opposite of me as she wipes her tears away watching her daughter dance with her new husband for the first time.

The song ends and everyone ascends onto the dance floor.

"Want to dance?" I whip my head to the side as Riley makes an appearance again, his Platonic nowhere in sight.

I know what he's trying to do. He's either trying to piss off his Platonic to get a reaction or he's trying to cheat on her, neither of which I want to be apart of.

"N-" dad cuts me off as he comes up from behind me.

"No, she's got a Platonic" he answers for me. I can physically feel my ears and cheeks turing red in anger. You know what; maybe a dance won't be so bad. I do one last scan of the area for Riley's Platonic and find her nowhere.

"Yeah sure, lets go" I grab his hand and drag him onto the floor. I can practically feel dad's anger as he watches me walk away with Riley.

I have to hide my disgust as his arm slinks around my back and pulls me closer to his chest. I ignore the stab of pain that shoots from my brand.

"Your father?" he asks; a stupid smirk on his face as I nod. "Will I upset your Platonic?" he asks almost mockingly as he gazes around, no doubt looking for my Platonic.

"I don't have a Platonic" I snap as I watch happy couple's dance on the floor. The song switches and I hope he'll let me go now. I just wanted to prove to dad that I can do what I want and I've archived that.

"Riley!" I hear the squeal of her voice behind me. My body tenses, sensing that she's not happy.

"Great" I mumble under my breath as I pull away and escape, walking towards the bathroom.

"What are you doing with her? I'm your Platonic! Why didn't you ask me to dance?" I hold my head high as I hear her words to him behind me. He grumbles something back to her, his previously cocky attitude gone as his voice now sounds deflated.

I push through the bathroom door, pleased to find it empty. I pull out my phone seeing no text's from Hex as the time reads 10.47pm. It's still early hour's for a wedding but I'm exhausted and I want nothing more then to go back to my hotel and call Hex.

"Who do you think you are?" I slide my phone back into my bag as Riley's Platonic stands in the doorway of the bathroom with her arms crossed. The small sequen dress she wears shows off her figure, her chest almost falling out.

"My name's Poppy" I reply back as I go to move past her and out of the bathroom, she sticks her arm out and stops me from leaving.

"Why were you dancing with Riley?" she sneers, I can see the fire in her eyes, definitely not a look cousin's would usually throw at each other.

"He asked me to" I reply simply as I wait for her to lower her arm. She's much smaller then me but her attitude makes up for it.

"Well, stay away he's my Platonic" she turns up her nose as she drops her arm.

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