Chapter FortyThree

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My hands shake and my breathing is rapid as I'm sat in a chair across from Reg. The interview room in Tower One surrounds me yet again.

Hex had been taken into another room in another Tower. I could tell it distressed him to leave me while I'm in such a state but the guard's dragged him away regardless.

Reg's face is stone cold as he takes a seat across from me while his hands link together in front of him. The evidence bags in the corner make me sick with embarrassment as the bright red underwear catches my attention from my peripheral.

Reg clears his throat "Poppy, I'm going to be honest, you are the last person I expected this from" he sighs. I drop my head as I stare at the table in front of me. The disappointment in his tone only makes my guilt worse.

"I'm sorry, Reg" my voice cracks as it trembles.

It's silent for a handful of seconds as he flicks through papers. "The necessary precautions need to be taken" he slides a piece of paper in front of me. I read through it, seeing that it wants all the information between Hex and I and the timeline everything happened.

I freeze, there's no way I can say what really happened between us. Sex inside the prison would no doubt make everything so much worse.

The door to the interview room swings open just as I'm about to lift pen to paper. John walks in, his face flat of emotion as he places a single sheet of paper in front of Reg before leaving.

The lump in my throat grows knowing that John had been the one to take Hex into the other Tower. I wring my hands together as I watch Reg's eyes skim the paper.

What had Hex told them?

Reg releases a breath "Darlings?" he questions.

My breath gets caught in my throat before I hesitantly nod.

"Why didn't you say something? This reduce's consequences significantly" he sinks back into his chair. "Poppy, you were facing jail time" my eyes well again before I swallow it down.

"What am I facing now?" I ask hesitantly, my voice quiet.

"It's not looking good" he confirms. I swallow thickly before asking my next question.

"Will I still have a job?"

"No Poppy" my heart shatters as I grip my chest. My brand ignites at the thought of not seeing Hex daily. I'm sure Reg see's my face pale as a slightly empathic look in his eyes is seen.

"I never meant for any of this to happen" my throat chokes up "I didn't know he was in here, I swear" I plead.

"There's nothing that can be done now, Poppy" Reg stands from his seat, pushes it in and walks out the door.

The first tear drops onto the table in front of me as the door slams shut. My chest feels like it's going to concave, like I can't take a proper breath and even in this circumstance my body yearns for no one other then Hex.

I look down at the piece of paper that had been pushed in front of me. It has tears on it now as I shove it back onto Reg's side of the table. I assume they'll need no more information after finding out Hex is my Darling; that should answer all the questions.

Reg walks back in with more papers "I'm going to need you to fill that out, Poppy. Rose won't talk and we need to know how you hid this relationship so we can prevent it happening again in the future" he gives the paper back to me, ignoring the tears on my face. I wipe them away with my sleeve.

"Will Hex get in trouble?" I ask. It looks like he almost does a double take when I call Hex by his first name.

"He's already in prison Poppy, he can't get in anymore trouble" he answers. I wipe my eyes once more before taking the pen in my hand.

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