Chapter Seven

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"Bye, I'll see you this afternoon" West gives me a kiss on the cheek as he drops me off at the front doors. Things had been kind of strained this morning after I refused him last night, usually our sex life is very healthy. I don't think he's angry, just more so confused.

"Bye" I reply as I shut the door and walk through Hellbound's doors, I hear the car leave behind me.

I'm slightly late this morning after waking up late. It was hard to sleep last night, my mind going in circles as West snored beside me.

The entry is empty when I walk in, everyone already in the prison. I go up to the window and sign in. It's much quicker today as I already have my keycard and lanyard.

I hold my breath as I scan my keycard on the door that opens into the Rec Room. My eyes immediately scan the area. I try to convince myself it's for safety reasons but in the back of my mind I know I'm searching for Hex.

A couple of guards buzz around but it's mostly quiet. Not many inmates are in the Rec Room, a lot of them still remain in their cells, looking out their tiny windows. It puts my nerves on high alert, had something happened for them to be kept locked up?

"Hi Colin" I smile his way as I open the door "Josie not here yet?" I question as I open my locker and grab my gun and peper spray.

"Hello" he clears his throat, not taking his eyes off the computer "Josie is always late" he informs me. I take up my seat from yesterday and gaze out over the Rec Room.

"How come they're still in their cells?" I ask.

Colin looks up from the computer "seems like no one has got around to letting them out yet" he explains before turning his attention back to the computer.

We sit in silence for a while; I didn't want to interrupt Colin as I wait for Josie to show up. My eyes skim over the surveillance cameras, catching guards walk back and forth. One of them catches Josie walking up the hallway to the Rec Room and scanning her keycard. I look up and sure enough she enters the Rec Room with a coffee in hand.

She walks fast paced as she flips her lanyard around her finger. I hear her boots thud up the steps; I turn my attention back to the cameras.

My breath gets caught as one of the cameras show two guards, one on each side of him walking down the hallway towards the Rec Room. Hex complies and walks confidently in the shackles and cuffs, like he's done it many, many times before.

My brand heats almost immediately.

"Hi!" Josie makes me jump in my seat as she loudly greets us.

"Good morning" I say back, Colin says nothing but Josie doesn't seem to mind.

Josie bangs around in her locker behind me as I continue looking at the camera, watching as Hex comes closer to the Rec Room.

"Don't drool on the desk" Josie comes up beside me as she looks at the cameras and sees Hex. I turn away, hiding my face as it turns red.

"I wasn't" I say quietly as I secretly wipe my mouth, just in case.

"Want me to teach you how to let the inmates out?" Josie offers. She sees me visibly hesitate "it's okay, they'll be cuffed" she reassures me.

"Okay, I guess".

I take one last look at the cameras, seeing Hex is still on his way to the Rec Room as he faces the ground.

I follow Josie down the steps "make sure you have your gun easily accessible" she tells me. I gulp deeply as she turns away and leads me to the cells.

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