Chapter Twenty

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"We've you been? Josie asks as I open the Tower door. I hope she doesn't notice the flush and shine that covers my skin in a glow. My clothes feel sticky and too heavy, I want them off.

"Uh, had to call my mother" I come up with an excuse. I avoid eye contact as I walk to my chair, the aircon in the Tower doing wonders to my heated body.

I ignore the 'long phone call'Josie mutters under her breath as she goes back to her computer and continues eating the bag of lollie's she has.

I had left Hex's cell in a rush when my eyes found his clock ticking, showing I'd been missing for far too long. We'd been lucky no one had come looking for me. I left Hex half naked in his cell as I locked the door behind me, but not before he warned me once again to stay away from Dr. Nelson.

I know it's only a matter of time before he finds out about West, I can only hope it's no time soon I need to figure out how to navigate this situation. Am I a bad person for caring less about how West would take it and more on how Hex would?

The rough material of my pants is harsh against my skin. Hex had kept my underwear, refusing to give it to me as I dressed and I had no time to argue with him.

It makes me squirm but I stop when Josie throws me a strange look.

The rest of the day goes smoothly and I don't see Hex again. My body wants to go to him and see him before I leave but I know I can't risk that.

I walk out with Josie, our bags slung over our shoulder's. We wave goodbye to the lady in the window and walk out into the cooler afternoon breeze. I stop abruptly when West isn't waiting for me where he normally is. I look around and still see nothing.

"Where's West?" Josie asks as she waits besides me, her car over to our right. I shrug.

"I don't know" I reply "you can go, I'll see you tomorrow" she shakes her head.

"No, I'll wait with you" I pull out my phone and dial West's number, he picks up in a few rings with a hello.

"Are you on your way?" I ask as I kick the ground.

"On my wa- shit babe, I'm sorry" I roll my eyes "I got caught up at the station, I can't come get you" I blow out a frustrated breath, all I want is a shower "call your mum" he suggests.

"It's fine, I'll see you later" I hang up on him. I give Josie a helpless look "do you mind?" I ask for her to drive me home.

"No, c'mon" she hooks her arm with mine and drags me to her car.

Josie drops me off in front of my house with a wave goodbye. Sure enough the driveway is empty of our car, meaning I'm home alone.

I jump in the shower straight away, washing away any scent of Hex off my skin. Just the thought of him is enough for my heart rate to be felt between my legs but I ignore it, now is not the time. West had somehow forgotten the routine that we did everyday. I can't help but think maybe he did it on purpose.

West and I have dinner at my parent's house tonight; it's the last thing I want to do. I don't have the energy to pretend everything is fine in front of mum and dad.

I dress and crawl into bed, choosing to nap before dinner. I thought I'd have more time but it's only half an hour later when I hear West come in through the front door, slamming it behind him. I pretend to be asleep as he comes into the bedroom, I can feel him looking at me before he goes into the bathroom, having his own shower.

Another half an hour passes before we park in front of mum and dad's with little communication between us. We both seem to have the same idea as we greet mum and dad with smiles.

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