Chapter Seventeen

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"Everything alright?" she asks, to which I nod. I turn my back to Hex and Liv as I make my way back to the far wall. I can almost feel the confused look Liv is giving me behind my back; I hope she doesn't notice my reddening cheeks.

I turn around when I hear her set down the equiptment she had left to get. I avoid Hex's gaze as he continues to try and catch my eye once Liv starts to work on him.

"Alright" she sighs "you're going to need stitches, so stay still" she explains as she prepares the needle and thread. "You want anaesthetic?" she questions. My eyebrows pull togther, isn't it common practice to use anaestheic with stitches?

"No" Hex grumbles as he relaxes back on the bed. She shrugs her shoulders and lifts the needle to her face, threading it. She stands to the side of Hex as he leans back on his hands. She's too focused on being precise with the needle to focus on Hex as he stares at me the entire time.

My hand goes to my brand when it starts to burn, Hex's eyes follow it, somehow getting even darker. It makes me flustered and I have the overwhelming urge to flee the room, I feel like I can't breathe.

"Ready?" Liv asks, Hex grunts and stays as still as possible. I have to look away as the needle pierces his skin, my stomach rolling.

Hex doesn't make a sound as the needle threads his hairline over and over again. His lip still oozes blood; the bruise around his eye gets darker as the minutes pass. It sickly pleases me to see Hex's body language look so disgusted at the touch of Liv, I know the familiar feeling.

"Done" Liv announces as she cuts the thread between the needle and Hex's skin. She wraps an ice pack in a paper towel and hands it to Hex. "Hold that to your eye, it'll slow down the bruising" he lifts it to his eye.

I watch as Liv picks up her equiptment and takes off her gloves.

"Is that all?" I ask as I step off the wall.

"Yeah" she turns to face me "he'll need antibiotics to prevent infection but that should be all" she smiles.

Hex stands up and heads for the door "thank you" I say to Liv as Hex ignores her.

He walks out into the hallway while I follow, closing Liv's door behind me. He walks a couple of feet in front of me in the direction of his cell. It's silent between us.

A guard rounds the corner at the end of the hallway, I don't think anything of it until they throw a look in Hex's direction, for a second I think it's because of his bruised face but when they give me a nod hello I realise it's because he isn't handcuffed.

My face pales as I wait for the guard to turn out of view before I speed up to Hex.

"You need cuffs" I say as I grab at his arm, stopping him in his path. An electric shock passes between our skin.

Hex looks down at my delicate hand on his skin before he continues walking.

"Hex!" I hiss under my breath, he doesn't care as he keeps walking. I speed walk to keep up with him and pray another guard doesn't walk past and notice his lack of cuffs.

We get to Solitary Confinement with no problem. The quiet murmur of the other Solitary Confinement inmate's is heard as we walk between their cells as they wonder about why Hex is uncuffed and also why he's beat up. They're not allowed into the Yard and I doubt word has spread to them about the fight yet.

I scan my keycard as Hex waits at the door. He walks through first and I follow, he slams his fist on the wall on the way through. I jump at the noise it makes.

His cell door is still open from when Josie let him out this morning; he walks in without a problem and takes a seat on his bed. I grab the handle of his cell and start to close it.

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