Chapter TwentyNine

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"West, what the fuck happened!" I plead as we drive further away from Hellbound. He had yet to answer me. I turn in my seat, facing him head on; I couldn't care less about wearing my seatbelt at the moment.

His face has turned from the worried look he held in the prison to a hard exterior with his jaw clenched.

"West!" I shout when he doesn't answer me. I don't wait a second longer and pull out my phone, dialing a number I hadn't for a long time.

He answers with an emotionless 'what?' has no one told him about mum?

"What's happened to mum?" I ask. I take note that we're not going in the direction of the hospital.

"What happened to your mother?" he asks with a sigh, like he couldn't care less. I side-eye West and the scenery outside that leads to our house.

I hang up without another word, dialing mum fast.

"Hi honey" her cheery voice comes out the speaker and into my ear.

"Are you at the hospital?" I question, my fists beginning to clench.

Her airy laugh fills my mind "why would I be in the hospital? Is everything okay?" her tone turns to worry.

West's hands clench tightly around the wheel, almost making them white. He hadn't looked at me from the moment we entered the car and left Hellbound.

"I'll call you back, mum" I end the call and sit silently, seething in my seat. It's clear now; nothing has happened to mum, and West had only done this in a jealous rage. He knew whoever has my attention would be at Hellbound and Hex gave himself away when he started throwing shit. "You motherfucker".

The tires screech as West stomps on the break pedal. I don't have time to brace myself as my body is flung forward into the dashboard, my lack of seatbelt allowing it. I cry out as my forehead makes contact with the dashboard, grabbing at it immediately before looking out the back window and making sure a car won't hit us from behind, we're clear.

"Are you fucking crazy West! What the fuck!" I scream at him.

For the first time since we got in the car he looks directly at me "it's that fuck that threw the table isn't it?" he asks calmly. I say nothing as I seeth besides him "he a good fuck?"

I grab my bag from the footwell before yanking on the locked car door "let me out of this fucking car, West" I demand. He goes back to looking at the front window, a neutral look on his face; it's starting to scare me.

The click of the car doors unlocking echos throughout as he presses the button; I scramble out onto the side of the road.

"For the record" I stick my head in the car as I hold the door open "he fucked me better then you ever did" the tires screech again as he takes off, leaving me in a cloud of dust.

My eyes well in tears of frustration as a dry sob leaves my mouth. I want nothing more then to scream but a passing car stops me.

I take out my phone and dial mum back. "Hi mum, me again" I wince as my voice cracks and the first tear leaves my eye.

"Are you okay, honey?" her sweet voice floats through the phone.

"No" I cry.

I sit on the side of the road as cars pass, mum pickes me up shortly after and takes me back to my childhood home. Dad's at work for the next few hours, just like I should be but West ruined that. I wait until we're at the house to tell her what happened, when I do she almost can't believe it but once I push my hair back and reveal my bruised temple she appears shocked that West would do such a thing.

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