Chapter Sixteen

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It had been an easy going morning, nothing major has happened. West dropped me off at Hellbound once he arrived home from his night shift. I walked in just after the inmate's had finished breakfast. Why? Because I had slept in and woken up late, last night had been the best sleep of my life.

Josie had taken it upon herself to take Hex to breakfast; nobody had known that I was late. Thank god.

The Rec Room is unusually quiet of guards and inmate's when I walk in, I make my way to Tower Three. Colin sits at his desk, obviously in deep concentration with his headset on.

"Hey" I say as the door shuts behind me, he jumps in his seat and turns to face me.

"Josie is in the Yard if you're wondering" he explains as he turns back to his computer. I nod even though he can no longer see me. I place my bag in my locker and gather my gun and pepper spray.

It's still early morning, much earlier then the inmate's are usually in the Yard. I walk fast, still hoping that no one had noticed I had been missing.

The sun is bright when I push open the door, so bright that it takes a while for my eyes to adjust. I grab at my pepper spray just in case before my eyes focus. Multiple guards stand around, their eyes more focused on the inmate's then who had just walked through the door.

My eyes zone in on Josie as she stands in our usual spot, against the brick wall.

"Hey" I breathe out, finally relaxing.

"Where've you been?" she says as she grabs my forearm.

"I slept in" I say as I push the fly aways away from my face "thanks for helping me out with him" I nod my head in Hex's direction, catching his eye as I glimpse at him before turning back to Josie.

"Must have been exhausted" she smirks, I look away not being able to hold her eye.

"Something like that" I scratch at my neck as blush rises on my skin.

She says nothing more but the smirk still remains on her face.

"Why are they out here so early?" I question as I watch a group of inmate's play basketball. Hex sits at his table once again, facing everybody so that no one is behind him.

"It'll be too hot later on" she explains as I nod. Makes sense, we are coming up on summer.

I take note that Aaron and his group are one again; I don't know when he got out from Solitary Confinement. He must've got out early because it definitely hasn't been the thirty days he was assigned.

They seem to be keeping to themselves as they take over the workout equiptment. Everybody else keeps out of their way.

"Oi!" John shouts and points his finger in the direction of Aaron and his group as they push and shove each other. Aaron has nothing to say as he sticks his middle finger up at John. John lets it slide with a shake of his head.

I watch as Aaron's gaze fixes behind John and lands on Hex.

He continues to push and shove his friends, ignoring what John had said. They all look in Hex's direction as Hex scratches something into the metal table with a stick. A cigarette hangs from the corner of his mouth.

At first I think they're going towards John but once they surpass him my body stiffens.

"Don't start shit!" John warns as they pass him, they wave him off over their shoulder's as Hex becomes their sole focus.

My heart starts to pound in my chest as I try and keep a cool facade. Between Aaron's like for causing chaos and Hex's temper I doubt this will end well.

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