Chapter ThirtyFive

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It's been a week since Hex has been on lockdown in his cell. Even though he's not a people person, I can tell he's getting antsy. The only daylight he has received comes from the small window in his cell which is covered by a cotton sheet most of the time.

He still hadn't received a date for his trial and the longer the wait, the more anxiety builds in my chest.

The only positive to come from the situation is that we got more time alone. While the rest of the inmate's are in the Yard or eating in the dining room, I am in Hex's cell, usually underneath him, but sometimes on top.

The sun had started to set as Josie and I walk out the doors of Hellbound.

"See you tomorrow, have a good night Josie" I give her a hug as we part at the doors, her car being on the left of the car park and mine on the right.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" she calls as she starts to walk away.

There's only a few remaining car's still in the car park but mine is parked underneath one of the street lights. The air is muggy, it had been a hot day today, especially in the cell's, I don't know how Hex does it.

I jump as a crow flies off from behind my car, it makes my heart race. I unlock my car and open the door as something grabs my attention.

Someone had keyed my car, all along the right side panels.

Don't get me wrong, my car isn't some expensive, brand new piece of metal. It has it's flaws with a dint here and there but these key marks are new, someone had done this today.

"Everything alright?" I jump, not noticing Josie had driven up next to me. I clutch at my heart as it races.

"Yeah, um, someone keyed my car" I move out of the way and allow her to see it. I had told her about the side mirror which is still missing because I hadn't had the money to repair it yet, luckily the police hadn't pulled me over for it yet.

"Oh shit, Poppy" her mouth hangs open as she leans out her car window "maybe the cameras caught it? We'll check tomorrow" she says as I nod, yeah the cameras should have caught it as I look at the one directly pointed in this direction.

"Yeah maybe" we bid goodbyes again; Josie stays until I'm safely locked in my car.

"Hey mum?" I call as I walk into the kitchen; she's getting dinner ready as she pulls some type of meat out of the oven. I can hear dad messing around in the garage with something.

"In here, honey!" she calls back, not noticing that I had walked into the kitchen as her back is turned to me.

"Did you scratch my car?" I ask. She turns to look at me. I'm pretty sure it happened in the Hellbound car park but I have to double check. Maybe she had scratched it when she was taking the bin's out or something.

"Did I scratch your car?" she looks confused "no, of course not" she answers as her eyebrows pull together.

"Hmm, maybe someone accidently scratched it" I say under my breath.

"Maybe ask your father? He might have accidently done it" mum suggests.

"Yeah, is dinner almost ready? I'll grab him now" I say as I walk out of the kitchen and mum shouts a 'yep!' behind me.

I knock on the door that leads to the garage, dad's music is loud with the occasional sounds of tool's being moved in the background. I push the door open slowly, there's no way he would've heard me knocking.

His head snaps up as he turns the music down to hear me.

"Someone scratched my car; you didn't accidently do it, did you?" I ask as he places down a tool and wipes his hands on his pants.

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