Chapter TwentyOne

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No one told me until I got to work and saw on the schedule that Hex's disciplinary hearing is today for the fight with Aaron. I don't know how many times he's already done this but I know it's been a fair few considering he's already racked up four extra years on top of his previous sentence.

As Hex's guard I have to stand in the hearing, I'd never done this before. Josie gave me a brief run down of how things would go and where the hearing will be held.

I march in confident strides to Hex's cell, hiding my nerves. I shake my hands out before opening the door to his cell. He's waiting for me, looking out the window as I come into view.

He bates me by putting his hands through the latch and then pulling them back, I look up at him in confusion "open the door" he orders. My mouth falls open before I take a look down the hallway and see no one in sight.

I unlock it and he pulls it open before yanking me inside. I don't even have time to gasp before his mouth is on mine. It's hungry and needy as he holds me tight at the waist and at the chin. I give in for a few seconds before pulling back when he becomes rougher knowing we don't have the time for this right now.

"You've got your hearing" I tell him. He puffs out a breath of frustration almost like he can't be bothered. He holds out his wrists when I hold up the handcuffs and allows me to cuff him easily. I avoid eye contact when I pull out the shackles knowing I'll have to kneel in front of him. He lets me do it, I'm surprised by how compliant he's being and it draws my attention up.

He's eyes are set firmly on me, dark and heated. The sight causes shivers to run throughout my body and end up between my legs. My brand pounds in my chest. He throws his head back to look at the ceiling when our eyes clash. He roughly runs his hands over his face and shakes his hair out; almost in an attempt to clear his mind.

I stand up before heading out the door. "Come on".

Hex shows how many times he's truly been down this path as I forget the instrustions Josie had given me. I'm thankful we don't cross paths with any guard's as Hex walks in front of me, showing me the way. I thank him when we reach the door, heaing chatter on the other side.

I stand in front of him as I prepare to lead him into the hearing. I turn back to look at him as my hand rests on the doorhandle "good luck" I whisper. He runs his thumb over my skin as I hold his cuffs.

The room becomes silent when we enter; I see the stand Josie told me about and lead Hex there. He stands and I take my spot on the wall, like a fly.

"Hex Rose, date of birth 1/3/1990. Indicted on assault charges in 2010, guilty and sentenced to eight years plus four years gained inside" the judge reads out his information "correct?" he looks over his glasses that lay on the tip of his nose.

"Yes sir" Hex answers, his voice intimidating to others and arousing to me.

"Here today on another assault that took place in the Yard on the 23rd of July between another inmate by the name of Aaron Briggs. Briggs instigated, Rose didn't see it coming" he mumbles to himself as he reads the statement report the guard's had given.

"Rose sustained a split lip and forehead, resulting in stitches as well as bruising" I don't know what other people in the room are doing but they're hurriedly writing and typing things down, pens and fingers typing rapidly.

Hex doesn't say a word as he waits for the judge to go over the information he's been given. It's silent for a couple of mintues before the judge looks up at him.

"Since you weren't the one to instigate it, I'm letting you off without any added time" I'm secretly happy about it but keep my face neutral, I'm his guard in here, not his Darling. "But I'm warning you Rose, you cause anymore chao's in this prison and I won't let you off again" the judge points a finger at Hex.

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