Chapter Eleven

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"West" I call as he sleeps. He's lying on his side with his arm under the pillow. I'm still dressed in my prison uniform, my shoes left at the front door.

The sun is rising over the trees lighting up the bedroom floor as it shines through the windows.

West groans in his sleep but doesn't wake. His face is so peaceful, he has no idea what his Platonic has been up to while I've been at work. Guilt starts to settle in the back of my mind, he doesn't deserve this.

I leave West to sleep, it's only ten minutes before his alarm goes off for work anyway. I take off my work clothes, laying them in a pile on the floor as I climb in bed. I scoot over onto West's side, my chest to his naked back as I wrap an arm around him.

I had the hope that our skin touching would ignite something within me but it doesn't. My body reacts to Hex not even touching me more then it does to West's skin on mine.

I know what's best for me, and that's West. He's stable, he knows what he wants. He's comfortable. Even though I finally found my Darling, he's in prison, there's no future for us like there could be between West and I.

West's alarm rings throughout the room. I press a kiss to his bare back as he reaches for his phone, shutting off the alarm.

"You're home?" his groggy voice whispers through the room.

"Yeah" I nod against his back, the warmth making me drowsy.

"How was it?" he asks. I hope he doesn't notice the way I tense against him as flashes of this morning come to the forefront of my brain.

"Yeah, fine" I say, my voice tense and my throat tight.

He's silent for a second "everything okay?" he asks as he starts to turn to face me. I tighten my hold on him to keep his back to me. He'll definitely know something's up if he see's my face.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I press another kiss to his back to convince him. He seems to believe me as he brings my hand that's wrapped around him to his mouth, pressing a kiss to my palm.

"When do you start?" I ask him as he continues pressing kisses to my palm. I breathe in his familiar scent.

"Have to be at the station in an hour" he mutters, he starts to turn towards me and this time he won't let me hold him in place. "We have some time" he whispers as his eyes connect with mine.

He moves closer, his mouth finds my neck as half of his body weight now rests on me. He presses his mouth to my neck, kissing up and down it. He can't see my face but I still try and hold back my expressions. My brand feels disgusting, like I need to scratch it out of my skin.

My hand goes to the back of his head, holding him in place so that he doesn't pull away and see my face. He grabs my thigh and lifts it to his hip. I hold it there, doing my best to not pull away as his hand moves to my breast, kneading it.

His hand skims my brand, sending a flash of heat across my body, the kind of heat that happens when you touch a hot pan and you automatically flinch away.

"What's wrong?" West asks as I flinch. He holds himself above me with his forearms.

"Nothing's wrong" he cocks his head, questions behind his eyes "I think I'm just tired" I say, faking a yawn. West's alarm rings for the second time, alerting him that he'll be late if he doesn't get out of bed now.

He groans out of frustration as he lies on top of me, his face once again in my neck.

"You better get moving" I pat his back. He takes a deep breath before laying a kiss on my cheek and getting out of bed. My body instantly relaxes, another thing that triggers the guilt.

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