Chapter 2

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"Ok, we're done. Can we please continue the game??" I flopped back on the bed and earned another laugh from her.

"Hm, Fine, I guess you earned it."

"Cue earned it from the weekend!" I yelled and jumped up to try to sexy dance.

She got up and grabbed a nearby broom, pretending it was a pole. Then saw an actual pole in my room, and looked at me dumbfounded. I could only look away and return interest to my phone. But she jumped onto the bed and climbed on top of me.


"Uh- um"

"Spit it OUT!"

I laughed as she shook me. "Two years ago!"

"No! Y'all psychic and shit, I KNOW you teleported this recently!"

Girl, I'd be covering up her mouth if we didn't live like 6 miles from the nearest neighbour.

"Nooo, it was there the entire time!!"

"Oh, sure! and I can read minds!"

All I could do was laugh at her comment. I'll let her believe that she can't... for now.

"Fine, you're right, Remember when I said they were fixing my room a week ago?" She nodded. "And I had all that stuff to do after school?" She repeated her action, but slower.

"Wait!!" She pieced it together quickly. "OH, MY GODS!"

She pulled me over to the pole as soon as she connected everything, then put on a song.

I stood beside the pole wide-eyed and tried to pick up the song that was playing. Also, trying to play off the fact that I knew that she wanted to see what I could do on the pole.
When I realized the song that was playing was "Two"  from H.E.R I fervently shook my head and plopped myself on the ground.

"The people said to wait another week until I use it so I'm sorry, Mamacita!"

There was no way I was getting hurt. She frowned but nodded. Before she could muster up an "I didn't know" or some apology, I reminded her of that question session we were to have. She squinted her eyes at me but complied and began.

"Ok, first off, since you're always asking about birthdates and times, why don't you let me know yours?"

I froze and faked a line being interrupted. I don't give out something so personal. I'm secretive for a reason.

"Can I get the next question?" I flicked my nails against each other as I waited for her to respond and hoped she didn't get upset.

She stared at me for a few seconds before nodding and shrugging.

"ok, sure. Phone static, wow," She scrolled through questions on her phone before she settled on one that made her smile a bit. "What's something we could do? Or come up with for like, our friendship greeting? I honestly wanna know, cause-"

"Oh, I have an idea! Maybe a nose rub? uh, that Eskimo kiss variant. Cause everyone is doing that handshake thing we thought we came up with."

She laughed and nodded before drawing closer to me. She moved her hair back a bit and leaned closer.

"Ok," she looked around the room before her eyes twinkled again. "so we rub our noses twice, then do that air kiss near the cheek thing that rich people like to do." Her giggle made my heart flutter so much that my laugh was delayed.

"Oh, sure! Let's try it!"

"Wait! But if we're in a rush can we do this?"

I motioned for her hand before circling mine around hers, and then gripping the other's arm gently. She smiled like she was getting the best massage of her life then nodded. "We definitely should use these in their right situations!"

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