Chapter 16

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March 31st

Bekati's POV

I took another glance in the mirror and sighed. Then turned to the side, repeating the action. I walked back over to the closet and searched through the clothing, but they were all too warm for this weather, so I just settled on regular spring clothing and prayed to everything that here nor outside would feel as chilly as I thought it felt it would. 

It looks like we're all having a brunch together, and though it's a usual occurrence, I couldn't help the rising nervousness as I made sure I looked presentable enough. I knew we'd have a visitor over. No, a family member over. I already had a feeling of who it was but decided not to focus on it. 

There was a knock on the door followed by Storm's voice, asking to enter. I merely gave a telepathic "go ahead". She stepped in and immediately gave me a side hug. I gently hugged back, glaring at her reflection in the mirror.

"Everything is almost done, makes sense to come down now. You don't have to set out plates or anything, Abosk helped with that." She rubbed her arms over mine and I shrugged slightly.

She looked hurt but masked it quickly. I lowered my eyes, hoping not to show regret but I think that motion itself portrayed it.

She walked over to my closet, then the drawers, and returned with a thin throw. She put it over my shoulders then walked towards the door. A small voice in my head told me to call her back, but I just secured the throw around myself. Not too tightly. I wasn't quick to admit that I was really chilly despite the sun streaming in. Storm still stopped and turned towards me. I looked up and our eyes met, then I sighed. She extended her right hand.

She really isn't giving up, huh?

I got my phone and journeyed down to the kitchen with her. The moment I reached the last step I let go of her hand, stopped, and looked around. I expected other people to be here. Like the close friends of Bella and Dani that I know Mãe has been communicating with.

I opened my mouth to ask but decided it would break my nonverbal streak and my sarcasm would probably put me in a rough spot. Instead, I retrieved my phone and took a seat on the first sofa I laid eyes on.

I could've only scrolled through Tumblr for about two minutes before I felt the sofa sink slightly. I shut off the screen in an instant then looked at her. Anya gave me a smile before scooting closer to me. Before I knew it, she was leaning her head on my shoulder. Something about that brought serenity to my mind and body for a short period of time.
I registered the floral scent of her hair, which reminded me of some island we visited last year. The softness of her hair could be only thanked by upkeep, silk bonnets, and genetics. I nearly smiled and leaned my head on hers, but the sound of someone approaching us shook me out of the thought. I barely had to shrug for Anya to slowly sit up, then we looked at Bella as she stood beside her daughter.

I got up and went to the table, doing my best to not squint at the light exposure I've grown suddenly unaccustomed to. I picked a seat farthest from any ray of sun coming in. Storm gave me an inquisitive glare, then went to get utensils to set beside all our plates.

When the table became occupied with all of us, except Sabrina, and Dani, who I'd hoped would show up, we began.

For the first half of it, there was no talking. Just the sound of chewing at times and butter knives hitting ceramic plates. It shouldn't have been, but it was mildly annoying. I held my tongue, though. I wouldn't try them at all today. I knew the purpose of this family breakfast is to get me to talk verbally. Not mentally or by sign language.

Speaking of, I applaud Anya for learning some real quick. I wouldn't say it, but it meant a lot. I almost didn't block her from my thoughts, But I have trust issues even with the grass so that had to happen.

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