Chapter 39

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We sat in silence, just watching other people trickle into that building. I knew he was itching to get up, but he also knew what would happen if he left this vehicle with just me inside. Well, a possibility. I didn't have the energy to go through all of that today. But I won't let him know that.

"So, when are we gonna go inside?" There we go.

"Not eight yet."

"Bek, we can't just scavenge the lot till you see her. You could be late for nothing."

"Right, she could be in there already. Yeah, I'm not going."


"No, I may have tried to off myself but I do not particularly have a death wish."

He remained silent. I lowered my head a bit. Maybe I'm overreacting. I looked over to apologize but returned my glance to my feet when I saw him tapping his. I took a moment to just breathe when there was a knock on the car window. I glanced, it was Anya and Eva. I guess it's my cue to get out.

So we did. The little sun that shone today did a little bit of justice. I knew it would warm up during the day but the air conditioning in the building would keep me cold while I was in there.

"So, Anya. How was last week for you?" Abosk smiled at her and I saw genuine excitement as I looked at her for an answer.

"It was good. The people there are funny. They're interested in some more taboo topics and there's not been one day someone brought up a different topic in the middle of a lesson where Ms Francis didn't dive into that for the rest of the class. According to her it still follows her lesson plan so it's a win. I don't like the cafeteria though. It's way too loud."

"Agreed." I kicked a pebble before taking the stairs.

"So where are we going in the meantime?" Eva noted not to bring her to the cafeteria during lunch hours and evenings.

"The library." Anya's eyes gleamed lightly, and a smile found my face.

We went there immediately. To no one's surprise, but to our delight, it was mostly empty. Only Abosk and Anya got to take their seats though. I was pulled aside by Eva.

We went (she dragged me) to the end of the historical novels section then placed her bag down. I kept mine on. She contemplated telling me to do the same but decided other than that.

"So we're ok? How's everything on your end?"

I nodded and adjusted my grip on my bag, but then just swang it to the other shoulder.

"We have an hour before classes start. Do you have anything to say that you aren't comfortable discussing around your siblings?"

"Just that recovery is hard. That's all."

"Aw, babe," she kissed my forehead "I Know."

We remained quiet for a while. I contemplated playing music, but it would be rude of me to put in my earbuds while we'd have this occasional conversation. Our convos don't flow right through anymore. Partially my fault though, give short answers now. It's better than a sassy normal length one or none at all.

"You've got your food with you right?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what's packed." I pulled out my container and sat down criss-cross.

Something told me I wouldn't like what I saw in the container though. I opened the Tupperware and wrinkled my nose momentarily. I left a blank face while Eva looked pleased with her container.

How do you like that?


I met her gaze.

"I'm not. Trust me, I'm not stressing,"

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