Chapter 38

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For the past 3 days, from 4 pm to 7 pm you could find me in the clearing and the clearing only. Not only was it a good place to practice and meditate, but I get to be away from the people inside that I've spent so much of my life with.

And to get away from the "gramma died" situation. In fact. I don't believe she did. I've been told that there's something she sent me on the computer, but even then I refused to go on it. I seldom ever went on my phone as it is. I just didn't have any desire to get screwed over anymore.

I stalled around the house now, looking at the clock every few seconds until someone reached home. The condition for me even being here alone was to stay in view of the camera. It sounded weird but I complied. As long as I didn't have to go to that funeral home thing, I felt well off.I began to lock and unlock the doors out of boredom, once, twice, and once more. Then flopped onto the chair. Looking over at the TV, it seemed like it was taunting me. For whatever reason, it just decided that I'd be the one it would pick on today.I contemplated picking up the remote. I don't even know which movie I'd watch. I don't know what the most recent one even is. My sister gushed about it, but I'd forgotten what she said since then.

I leaned over the couch, retrieved the remote from its resting place and began the search for a good movie. I retrieved my snack of choice once I found the movie and sat in the lotus position. Making sure my phone was on silent, I finally relaxed and watched "to the bone" playing in front of me.


The movie was done, and so had my snack a long time ago. I got bored after getting over the mild astonishment the movie had caused. It was quite accurate, compared to others I'd read reviews and seen trailers about.I got up with my phone and decided to make a cake. Everyone needed a little cake right now. No, correction 2 cakes. A vegan one for Bella and whoever else, and regular for the rest of us. I got straight into retrieving and mixing the ingredientsI made sure ice cream was in the fridge, knowing it was Brina's to-go combo for a spectacular snack or dessert. She's got her metabolism to thank for getting rid of the after-effects of that desert, honestly. I could never.---I sat on the island and skimmed through an old magazine mom was featured in. She looked normal, but the time it was published gave us a reminding nudge of what was really going on inside her. I've been told to stop obsessing about how much pain she was in, or just how bad her life had gotten before she left, but I guess they won't understand that it's one of the few things that captured my interest when I just.. when I had wishful thinking. Delusional almost. Knowing time has already passed and I can't very well do that. If I'd consider their advice though. I'd just fixate my interest on other topics I learned and re-learned while I had the place to myself. Not relating to her.

I took out the frostings and went over to the now cold cake. I prepared the layers for each cake and began on the regular one. The centre was done first for both of them, and in no time those double-layered dark chocolate cake was done and almost looked like a pro had made them.

I'm Lying, It was presentable, just decent enough. It was levelled and not toppling over so that was good.

I cut a decent slice for myself and sat with it. I noted how many hours have passed since they said they'd be back and decided that after my cake I'd just call a couple of them to ask what took them so long. In the meanwhile, the smell of the cake was intoxicating and the sight was beckoning.

The first bite was heaven on a fork. Shit, a grunt of pleasure made its way out. I pulled up an ebook on my phone and got sucked into the content while chewing slowly. It didn't help that the main character seemed to be a replica of me, personality-wise.

Listen you give me a sci-fi book? Ok, I'll read it. It was nice of you to give me that. But give me a true crime or action-packed, slightly romantic book, shit, even a thriller... I'll be the happiest girl in the world. If not the room. Oh, and if I'm with a snack, I just may read half of it in the first sitting. I'll just be moving anywhere with the book. Doesn't matter if it's a hard copy.

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