Chapter 31

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"All I'm saying is that I know you're trying to take up for other people that don't dare to voice their opinions, but there is a FINE LINE between being someone's middle man or voice and gaslighting the person. Especially if was an innocent mistake."

"Most definitely, Bells. Bekati, guys? What's your take? No judgment here," Storm probed.

"I think the internet can be full of assholes that are just using the excuse to speak up for someone because they are genuinely oversensitive. So, what you said."

"Second it,"



This conversation was the first of many as we spent the Saturday at home watching documentaries and talking about different topics of concern. Bella probably would have made a great activist. The way she got her thoughts across was personally satisfying. And I could see the look of pride on Anya's face as the hours passed by. Of course, we discussed 30-minute intervals after lunch. Everyone was full and if there was any response to piss anyone off it would not affect their appetite.

I'm actually really grateful for this interaction. I had a lot of one-on-one like this with Dani when I stayed with her. It's like bringing a piece of that form of therapy -what it was to me- home.

Eventually, the thoughtful opinions would come down to mhm, and yeahs in between, then strictly that when you knew people's throats were probably tired and needed to rejuvenate.

"Ok, I think we got our throat chakras exercised enough today," Storm's phone rang, and a little smile was put on her face. "Thanks for this precious time. Next time, let's bring some folktales in, yeah? I'ma head to the back."

She answered the phone and disappeared out the back door. Almost everyone moved to different parts of the house. Anya, Bella, and Sabrina went to do separate tasks, so it was just Abosk and I going in the same direction. Till we split to go into our respective rooms.

I sat on my bed for a solid minute before looking up at the stars cascading from the ceiling in the dim room. I put the fan on not long after that and took a seat at my desk to begin drawing. That was the plan at least, till he knocked on my door.

"Do you wanna go to the park? Come on let's play some basketball!" He sang and swang a bit with the doorframe as the steadfast.

I raised my brows at him. Then began to give actual consideration. It was about high time I began to spend time with my brother again. Our sync used to be half as strong as Sabrina and I's bond is. Now It's like a quarter. And I miss our bond, to be honest.

"Aight sounds like a plan-"

"Awesome. We leave in an hour, cause I wanna nap."

I laughed and nodded, still retrieving my pencil.


"Sup?" I gave an amused look at my now whispering twin.

"Might let you drive the car, MIGHT!" Then he bolted out of view.

I shook my head, still wearing a smile, and put the pencil to my paper. Time to sketch some imagery before I decide to take a cat nap too.


We ensured that everything we needed was in our bags before starting the car. I'm positive he was gonna beat me in all rounds of basketball this evening, but it was gonna be worth the play.

Bella quickly ran out of the house with an accessory in her hand and I facepalmed when I realized I'd actually forgotten to put that on.

"It's adjustable, so it won't be moving around with all the jumping. Some more love to your heart," She smiled and put the bracelet my grandma gave me on my left arm. "love y'all, stay safe. And Bekati, switch seats when yall reach the end of this trail."

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