Chapter 41

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October week 2

Abosk's POV
Our team made the goal and the coach yelled it out. It was cold but we were sweaty. I felt hot, so the moment we finished our mini-meeting I ran off to clean up in the Men's room. I didn't take too long in there nor did I do a bad job. In no time the sweater was over my head and I was packing my bag to leave.
Just when the rest of the team was coming in to get cleaned up.

I tried to get out before the first half of the crowd got in, but realized that was all for not.
the ones that I got along with the quickest greeted me as I was right at the door and we stood just outside the entrance talking, permitting others to exit and enter without asking.

I didn't mind chatting with them because It was not shallow shit. Small talk is probably ten percent of the time. We actually talk about important stuff.  As for right now, it was about the way the team on the other side could have beat us easily that transitioned to mild community talk. Many factors called it short though. One, this was post practice, we were just running off a bit of addrenaline, two, due to that, they were still sweaty so they'll wanna clean up. Or at least half of them.  And the third was I knew Anya was waiting on me. Most likely by the car.

"I'm right here, dude"

I was not supposed to jump at the sound of her voice. But I did.

"It's getting late. We-"

"Yeah, I'm coming," She already started to walk away as I bid the other guys our good bye greeting.

I could feel the glares on my back by some of the older guys on the team as I trekked to Anya. It was usual. But I never worried.

I caught up next to her and soon enough we were out the building, and the brisk wind slapped our face again. I began retrieving my keys from the bag. As we were a few feet infront of the vehicle, I could hear a motorbike approaching. I unlocked the car and threw my bag inside. The motorcycle engine ceased, but it sounded a good distance away from me. I placed my bag on the backseat and Anya climbed in the back promptly to rest her head on it. It was nearly dusk, But she would be up for a few more hours.

I closed the door anyways and got ready to enter the car.


I paused and looked around. When my gaze met the direction it came from, I saw her. Not too far away from my car. She placed her helmet on the Bike and came towards me. The clacking of her boot heels on the pavement made things more nerve wrecking.

I should've know that was her. She's the only person to call me AYBOh. And I dislike mispronounciations more than anything else. She knew that. I hate that I was vulnerable with her.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, come on, we know that answer is you. But alive. And with me," She shrugged her shoulders and even with the streetlights on, her eyes were cold and dark.

"Get lost, Lynsé, Disrespectfully."

"Anyways, Mr Always-plays-hard-to-get," She crossed her arms and flipped her hair over her left shoulder. "I came to bring a message. Madison told me to to tell y'all 'It's only gonna get colder,' but I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Right now, It's fainly snowing. And she's talking an avalanche. But I say something even greater than that should happen. All you need to do is stay out of our way, and everything will work out... Capiche?"

"Why are you so bent on hurting us?"

"You get in our way. All we need is your twin," She grinned and looked me up and down. "She knows too much. Shows too much. We can't have that. Life's gotta balance, baby.' She turned on her heel. Walking away and leaving me more worried than once could be.

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