chapter 45

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Why is she looking at me like that?

I shifted in my seat and kept my hands under my thighs. This has to be the most uncomfortable session I've had so far.

"What, why are we just sitting here?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm- sorry, I didn't realize you asked."

She took note of something.

"Are you ready to do some hypnotherapy? That's what you agreed to do today. And why we're at the office and not your home. You said you think you hurt someone. "

"Of course, I've hurt people, look at my siblings not talking to me." I mumbled and crossed my arms."

She sighed, and a few quiet seconds passed.

"Whenever you're ready, snap your fingers." She smiled a small one.

I nodded and lowered my arms, trying to see if there was anything I could confess beforehand. Then immediately got frustrated and pinched my arm. Which just triggered more pain. I inhaled deeply. Every time to try to remember it's like bumping into a wall.

And it was getting tiring.

So I exhaled and snapped my fingers before looking at her.

"It'll be over in no time." She smiled so sad, I thought that I was getting told that both my parents are dead again.

I nodded instead.


And I guess I was crying the entire time.

It was 10.20 am when we started and opening back my eyes, it was 11.55 am.

Ms Song looked shaken, afraid, and angry all at once.

"What- what's wrong? You kinda look like you wanna cry."

She shook her head and got up to turn off the video camera and voice recorder.

"You unpacked a lot." She rubbed her hands, clasped them together and placed them under her chin, resting her elbows on her knees and looking at me.

Then I saw disappointment.

In me most likely.

"Would you wanna take the video home to see? Or do you want me to run it by you?" Her voice sounded so quiet. "I also need to tell your guardians,"

"I know, trust that I do." I looked around the room.

If I start to watch it, it might take up another client's time, or if I watch it at home I'll need to take breaks. I might not even get through half of it. With her, it'll be brief. She'll give the short version of everything.

"I prefer you to tell me the summary of it. You condense things pretty well. If you wanna tell me, still."

She got up from her chair slowly and went to the fridge, returning a bit faster with a bottle of juice.

"Alright, I know you haven't eaten yet, so have these that I keep for refuelling. It's ginger root and beet, plus your iron levels gotta be more up there."

I took the juice and opened it. The scent provoked my stomach, and I actually heard a loud growl. I drank a bit reluctantly.

"How do you know I haven't eaten yet?"

"Habits and a look you keep."

I lifted up my brows and took another drink of the sweetened concoction. I'll ignore her inadvertently telling me that I look hungry because I haven't felt hunger till just now, breaking my 16hr fast.

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