Chapter 4

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5 days later

I saw my mom in my dreams again.
And lately, It was like she was turning more and more towards me. Like she was unsure but trying at the same time.

but today she spoke to me, though it was indirect. I know her voice well enough to know I wasn't hearing someone externally telling me to get up.

and I did, right after she said that.

And for some reason, It made me feel a bit better about myself. 

I gotta admit I still get a bit jealous knowing that Abosk talked to my mom almost all the time, and the rest of the adults in this house got more than their fair share of visits.

People would actually think I'm crazy when I say I hear their conversation sometimes and I see why, but it is what it is. *laughs and clears throat* 

Mãe came in just then ready to bang two metal plates together when she realized I was looking straight at her, pissed at first then amused. She did her usual nod and wave before strutting up to hug me, but she had actually caught on to my out-of-the-ordinary reaction.

"I gotta say, I AM disappointed that I didn't get to say: "I ain't get no sleep cause o' yall, Y'all ain't ever gon' sleep cause of me" but, you're up... pleased? Did you switch bodies with Eva? Because if you did, that was a darn great job!"

I laughed till my throat cracked, which happened in a matter of seconds. I've never seen both of us try to reach for the class so quickly at the same time.

"Soooo, what got you so happy? Is it because you finally see your beloved since y'all talked 8 hours ago??" She pinched my cheek and laughed at an oncoming blush.

"Stooopp. It wasn't that, though I like that too." I brought a hand up to my cheek before shrugging. "I think Mom's warming up to me a bit... She was talking to someone and was turned more in my direction this time. She indirectly told me to wake up before I got up. I'm starting to wonder if the little warnings I get are from her."

"aw, I'm happy she's beginning to give you her attention baby. If the warning is in your dreams, nine times out of ten AT LEAST it's from her, otherwise, the warnings you get could be your intuition if you hear it's like your voice. And spirit guides, ancestors, they pop in too."

Yes because I forgot that for a hot minute, "Yeah, thanks, Mãe." I hugged her and proceeded to sit up. 

Her eyes drifted to my leg immediately to see a light discolouration there. I looked at her to immediately let her know I didn't cause it on purpose. She removed her glare and just gently put her hand on it. I informed her it was getting better since she knows I bruise easily and everything.

"I was gonna say we're gonna have a family morning out and some shopping, but-"

"It  barely hurts, I've been walking nearly all week with it, it's fine now." 

She nodded in a 'sure you are' manner then got up and saying I've got an hour to get ready, asked if I needed help with my hair which I declined then she mentioned getting Eva on the way.

The moment she left I got up and went to the mirror. I examined my hair, face, and the rest of my skin before I concluded I just needed a hair retouch (saved mostly by the bonnet) and a good pair of winter clothes.
I lowkey just wanna sleep in, I felt there would be a storm or something later. I really wouldn't wanna have us be caught in it at all.


I got on a vintage red coat over my pink sweater and navy blue jeans, possibly regretting wearing jeans later. I forgot how the cold could seep through jeans most times, and here I am now happily accepting being frozen to death. How the turntables.

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