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Your Pov

So it's been a year and now me and Takemichi became independent. Living on the same house.

I work on some part time jobs. Takemichi as I expected became a lame ass delinquent.

"Oi wake your ass up. We gonna be late" I slapped his butt since he is sleeping with his chest. He groggily woke up.

"Come on now. Don't give me that look" I rolled my eyes and checked the calendar. July 4. The future Takemichi will appear later.

I prepared our breakfast and wait for him to finished his business before I stood up and went away. Yes. This past Takemichi won't understand. I'll make my move soon.

Of course. Im training myself these past few years, Takemichi said that he doesn't need it since he's a hero so I didn't forced him. And since I know that sooner or later I'll get myself to trouble and better be safe than sorry and I really don't want my ability to come to rust now wouldn't I?

At the School Entrance.

There I saw Hina waving his hands on me. "Good morning Hina. You look pretty" I smiled at her. Damn how can someone be pretty and cute at the same time?

"Hahaha you always say that to me Y/n-chan" she laughed. Even her laugh sounds like an angel compare to me who laugh like a fat business man.

"Where is T-takemichi" she asked slightly blushing. "He will be late" I replied making her pout. "Now don't be sad Hina-chan you'll get wrinkles" I tried to cheer her. And she smiled. "You're right" she replied. "Of course" I smugly said.

Yes, me and Hina are in the same Classroom. Yeah it surprised me too. Seems like I also got some talent in academic. Or the body I possessed got some talent in academic.

And the boring lesson start. Well not really that boring since topics is all new to me and me being a homeless kid back in days I didn't got the chance to experience high school.

Me and Hina went out to buy food and soon enough another set of classes and lunch break. I took out my bento and went in the field with Hina and sat on our bench. Yes OUR.

Hina being a popular chick on our school after seeing her eating in this place they always leave this occupied. Ahh must be nice.

Some boys are hitting on her even though they know that she's in relationship with my cousin.

But once they knew that she got a mad dog which is me with her they started backing away.

Yes they call me mad dog. Which is good and bad thing at the same time. Since I just bang someone's head while he keeps insisting himself to Hina.

I should be kicked out by now but me presenting them the evidence that I possessed and threaten someone to be a 'witnessed'. I'm not allowed to got to school for two weeks.

Case solved inside the school.

But outside?

That's where the party all start yeah I kick some ass here and there and making sure to make myself home without bruises.

But sometimes luck isn't really on my side that I went home with a bruised face. I bribed Takemichi some 'magazine' in exchange for his silence. Since the current Takemichi is dumb he did.

"Your quite again" Hina tilted her head on me. "Sorry. Im just thinking" I replied. "Of course you're always thinking" she ate her rice. "Why?" I asked.

"I just feel something is gonna happen to Takemichi today" she sigh. I looked away. Kiyomasa will beat the shit out of him and his friend soon. "You just miss him" I teased and I can see smoke coming up from her ears as she stay red.

Hina.exe has stopped working.

I chuckled at her reaction. "You really love him huh" I teased again. "Takemichi is a one lucky guy" I added. "Having a kind and smart girlfrie---" I stopped since she shoved egg on my mouth, still red.

"You look like tomato" I teased after swallowing the food and laughed. "Ahh young love" I said.

"How about you?" Hina ask out of the blue. "What about me?" I asked back. "What's your type?" She ask again. " I don't really have one. As long as we clicked then boom that's it" I shrugged and she smiled.

"I wonder who will that be" she replied. "Me too. But let's not think about love life for now. I wanna enjoy my single life" I closed my bento and drink my f/d.

We went back to our room and listened to the teacher's teaching. And Hina having a cram school and me having a certain fight parted ways.

Luckily enough no one is waiting for me this time so I went to the convenience store where I part time and changed my clothes. Since it's not that far from our house.

"Early huh" Tako looked at me. "Good thing no one's waiting" I replied putting my cap and started my shift. Stretching my back and popping my knuckles and neck some delinquents went in.

Ahh the one with a long hair but with a short lifespan. Baji Keisuke. Along with him is a boy with a blond locks and light blue orbs. Chifuyu Matsuno.

"Welcome" I bowed slightly and smiled at them and they slightly nodded. It is already 7:45 in the evening. Im sure Takemichi still isn't home and we both got keys so no worries.

As I expected them to buy some drinks and the iconic Peyoung Yakisoba. I did what I should do and wrapped it in a bag and gave it to them with the change.

"Thank you" I slightly bowed again and started cleaning since the next in me will arrived shortly. And soon Niki with Kito went in and we bowed at each other before I bought some ice cream and went out to stretch.

"Yeah, that felt good" I yawned and started walking while eating my food. When I felt someone is following me. I look around finishing my ice cream leaving the stick on my hand before I went on the dark side of the road and waited for the motherfucker to show up.

"Where the hell is she?"

I grabbed him and pointed the stick on his upper neck. "The hell do you want" I asked in a low voice. He chuckled. "Fierce eh" he said and I loosened my grip until I fully unhand him.

Baji Keisuke.

"I just saw some red stain on your skirt and I thought you're not ok and" and yeah he started mumbling. I think I got my period this month. "Thanks. But try not to act like a creep" I said and went back on the convenience store.

"Wait you're gonna walk like that?" He pointed at my skirt. "Mister. Do I have a choice?" I raised a brow. "H-here!"he offered---no he shoved me his black jacket.

"Well thanks I guess. I'll return it later"I said as you wrapped your waist with it and went back to the convenience store and bought some pads.

And went out only to find Baji on his bike. I untied the jacket but he stopped me. "Let me take you home" he offered.

I raised a brow. "Promise I won't do s-something" he stuttered. Cute. "I didn't even said anything yet" I smirked and without warning I get on his bike.

"Lechugo~" I said in a sing-song voice and he chuckled. "You act like your guard is down but it's the opposite" he said making me nod. "Observant eh?" I replied and he started to zoom.

Am I afraid?
Did I grip his waist?
Did I beg him to slow down?

No no and no heck I even raised my hands up as he drove. "Hit the brake and turn right" I whispered in his ear which he obliged and there I saw my little home.

"Annnd brake" I said and got off. "Thanks for the rid--- The hell dude did you eat something spicy?" I ask when I saw how red he is. "N-no" he replied trying to act cool. "Pfft. If you say so. Well then drive safe" I patted the seat where I sat earlier and he zoom.

Just then I realized that he forgot his jacket.

"Meh. I'll just wash it and give it tomorrow if he went to the store" I shrugged and went inside our house.

He still didn't met Mikey. I dropped my bag. Once he do I'll tell him what I know.

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