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Third Person Pov

After Takemichi found out that he's the one who killed his beloved girlfriend Hina he almost gave up. But Naoto persuade him ending him being in the past again.

In a bowling room.


Hina high five-d their hands together. Takemichi almost tear up seeing his girlfriend smile.

As for you.

Nothing much just chilling in your new group's turf. "Hey Yagami. Give me food" you said to your co-member. "Why don't you buy to yourself?" He said still giving you potato chips.

"Tehee~ You're still giving me though" you gave a closed eye smile. "Oi. Y/N quit acting like a---" he passed out due to your punch. Another goon who's getting into your nerve. Tada.

Then you laughed remembering Yuzuha and Takemichi's conversation about Mitsuya and Hakkai. "That huge dork" you whispered while chuckling. Your co-member looking at you with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Taiju is coming back home today so you are all basically scattered on your turf.

And Kokonoi stood up with wide arms open. "Well, well, well" he greeted. "What a show-off" you said as you looked at the front. "If it isn't young master, Hakkai" he mocked.

You all went to the front. Just like a soldier.

"Who's this jerks?" Koko asked. Hina and you locked eyes and you quickly gave her a "shush" sign. Good thing Hina is quick at getting things.

"I've seen him before."
"He's the second captain in Toman"

"There's a Toman fucker on our turf?" Koko looked disgusted and mad at the same time. "You fuckin with us?! You're not leaving our turf in one piece, asshole"

You and Inui just kept quite while Koko is rambling words smugly at them. "You don't get it do you?" He asked.

"It means your a dead meat Hanagaki Takemichi" Koko said while sticking his tongue out. "Go get em boys" Inui ordered. You didn't move. Why? Cause he said boys. You're a girl. Duh.

Kokonoi "Koko" Hajime
10th Generation Black Dragon
Elite Guard Captain

Seishu "Inupi" Inui
10th Generation Black Dragon
Attack Squad Captain

"Hands off. Takemitchy is my buddy" Hakkai warned. "Stay out Hina. They also lay a hand on girl." Yuzuha warned. "B-but there's also girl in them" Hina pointed at you.

And Yuzuha and you locked eyes. "Ah her? Taiju became interested in her" Koko pointed at you. "Enough with her" Inui said. "Hakaaai. Even your friend also need to learn manners. Because our gang won't listen to you" Kokonoi smirked and the chattering began.

"I told you not to hurt my friends. So please" Hakkai towered over your co-member. "Didn't you listen? We don't take orders from you" he smugly said only to receive a punch.

You whistled.

"Fuck off, scumbags"

"Sorry for getting you involve Takemitchy. The leader of the Black Dragon is Taiju Shiba" Hakkai said. "Shiba?" Takemichi asked. "Yeah. He's our older brother" Yuzuha replied.

"The three of us are siblings"

And Hakkai dropped the bomb making Takemichi shock. "Where is Taiju?" Hakkai asked Koko. "He's at the convenience store" he replied. "He's rarely home. Except for this shit. Pain in ass" Hakkai muttered.

"Hey. Watch your mouth" Inui threatened him with knife. "This shit is getting real" you chuckled. "Talk shit about our leader and I'll kill you" he added. "Talk shit" Hakkai replied. "Do you think I won't?" Inui fired back.

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