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Third Person Pov

After his over reacting drama for knowing that he is already highschool in the current timeline. You both went in the school premises to change your shoes into an indoor one.

"Hey Takemichi, Y/N-chan. G' morning" a voice called and you both looked at the now slightly long haired but still in his glasses, Yamagishi. "You're quite early today for someone who is always late? Did Y/N influenced you?" The now short haired Takuya asked.

"Yamagishi, Makoto, Takuya, Akkun?!"
"G' morning too"

'Oh well, being confused is not my cup of tea. So at least better fit in every time leap'

You thought.

"Hey Takemitchy!" A voice said as they put their arms around your cousin's neck. "Have you studied for the final exams?" He asked and you both looked at the royal blue long haired man.

You and Takemichi looked at each other. You ate your thoughts.

'Just who the hell he think he is to be this handsome? Is that even allowed? Are you supposed to be handsome or pretty when you're in an anime?'

"Man, from the moment I sat on my chair I already felt sleepy" he continued his blabbing. "Hakkai's pretty helpless despite how he look" you heard Yamagishi said earning a "Totally" from Makoto.

'Oh the guy who fears women is this now? Oh wow'

As you all went to the hallway, you nudged Takemichi. "This is kinda weird" you whispered. "Kinda? No, this is totally weird" he argued making you chuckle.

"We should find Baji or Chifuyu to bring the news to them" you said while scratching your ear with you pinky finger. "Yeah. Let's go" he dragged you to open some doors and apologizing if it's a wrong one.

Before he opened some doors. You stopped him. "Just don't tell them I am also a time traveler" you said. "Huh? Why?" He asked. "I just don't feel like telling them" you said making him nod slowly, not really convinced with your unreasonable reason.

"Chifuyu, Baji-san!"
"Oh Takemichi, Y/N"
"The hell you shouting for?!"

You gave a lazy peace sign to them and went inside as Takemichi tear up. "What happen to him?" Baji asked you and you smirked. "You should be asking what happen to me Bajibabes" you wiggled your eyebrow as if it is natural for you to tease him.


"Baji-san, Chifuyu I.....I shook hands with Mikey from the future" he revealed making Baji and Chifuyu look at him. "Don't tell me" Baji cut his own sentence. "You're Takemitchy from future?!" Chifuyu ended. "And here I am" he cried.

"But why?" The light blue eyed blonde asked. "I don't know" the blue eyed blonde replied while wiping his tears with his sleeve. "But I said that I will save him" he then looked at his own hand.

You looked at his expression. But you had some uncertainty.

'When did Izana requested me to join 'that' gang?'

"You both look lost" Baji blurted. You look at the raven haired boy with his good boy attire. He maybe act stupid but he is still one of the sharp people you know in this world.

And Takemichi explained the thing he encountered in the future and you just keeping silent. Naoto doesn't know that you are part of that organization given that you are hidden, only Takemichi does.

Soon enough, you called the walking delinquent encyclopedia. And he came grinning from ear to ear as he fixes his glasses. "Oh I see, Takemitchy is curious about the delinquent world. That's rare" he said making Takemichi look at him is his unexplainable expression.

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