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Third Person Pov

He looked shocked after I went barging into his room.

He is changing his top. "Y/N learn to knock!" He said turning his back to you. "You got nice body and I am sure Hina will be happy for that but you're not my type" you said as you flopped yourself into his bed.

He sat down on a chair as you looked at the ceiling.

"Kantou is recruiting me" you started and you felt him looking at you. "They've been eyeing me for two days now. And one of their member just went into me personally to recruit me" you continued.

"Informant. That is what the position they want me to fill. Half of the Bonten members are still on their gangs today but judging this soon to be fight. Kanto will surely reign" you said. "You're using your fake persona so you can't be with them right?" He said making you throw a pillow at him.

"I just literally said they've been eyeing me for two days, stupid. I can't escape" you sighed and went back staring at the ceiling. "Not gonna lie but being in Bonten is a easy money. And not also gonna lie but Bonten may be filled with drop dead gorgeous men, but their doings still making me shiver."

"I remember having crush on the infamous Haitani at the Bonten Arc but being with them in real life is creepy, not just with them. I can't bear to see innocent and teenager girls crying because they are about to be sell. Body lying with blood. And especially me having fake persona for infos it's not so different from my past self. For all I know maybe half of the police is already bribed with money."

You sighed.

"What are we gonna do now, Tak---- H-hey hey hey why are you crying?" You were shocked to find him crying so you got up and hugged him. "I am so sorry Y/N" he said making you chukle as you look at him.

"Why?" You asked. "Your second life should be a happy one given that you already suffered from the first one but here you are being caught up in our supposed to be mess" he said as wipe his tear sloppily. "I can't help it. You trust me" you shrugged as you smile at him.

He then told you his experience with Senju and not saying a word but both of you didn't talker about the future you saw. Reason? You are still both unsured about it.


Takemichi went into his friend Draken as someone calls you again.

Same person.

You just scunch your nose as you went into the same place you were about to open the door when you had another vision.

You, with something red splattered on your lap.


You went in and saw the person calling and texting you. You noticed two people are there. "Who is this, this time?" You mumble as you went and sat down in front of them.

Is this the Sanzu?

"Hehe long time no see, Namaenonai" he said while grinning. What a 360 turn of attitude compare to past. Well, he is clearly acting like a child in the future. "Did you take medicine?" You asked pertaining to his drugs. "Mhm mhm. Just a lil" he replied which is clearly a lie. Just like in future.

"You must be in heaven then?" You ask sarcastically. "Yeah and I just saw a devil, weird" he replied looking at you making the moneymaker snicker. "And what it is this time?" You asked. "Day two of pursuing you" he replied making you deadpan.

"You know what I am done" you said as you were about to stood up when someone accidentally pourd a red wine on you lap. "Oh I am so sorry miss and misters" she said, trembling.

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