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Third Person Pov

(This is gonna be a little drama since its just a filler chapter)

"Alright, Takemichi, we'll be going now"

Takuya said after their visit with Takemichi.  "Take care of Takemichi well, Hina-chan" Akkun said. "Quit that sour face, all right?" Yamagishi said. "Got you a porn mag. I slid it under your bed, okay?" Makoto whispered. "We'll find Y/N-san, soon" Akkun added and the two both nodded. "Okay. Thanks guys" the blonde replied and smiled a little.

After Hina went out some Toman again visited the Hanagaki.

"My condolences, Takemitchy" Pah-chin said after the long silence. "We heard that you took care of Draken all this time" Hakkai added which received a little hum from the sitting blonde. "Sorry that we didn't know anything" Angry continued. "The one in most pain by now is you...... Adding that your cousin is missing" Smiley said.

He felt a hand on his arm and saw Peh-yan is the one holding it.

"If anything, you can count on us, okay?" He reassured. "We'll definitely lend a helping hand and even I am not close with your cousin I know that she can protect herself" he added. "Thank you. But I'm really fine and thanks for the reassurance" Takemichi smiled and thought to himself.

'Y/N will kill me since she know that this smile is fake'

"I see"

Then soon enough, they all went away giving their goodbyes on the blonde after that Hina came back with some things in her hands only to hear Takemichi blurt some nonsense making her hug him.

"You're lying. Say Takemichi-kun, cry it all out, okay?"

And our best girl Hina did her best job at comforting the blonde, her boyfriend.

"When you're in pain just cry"

When night came you went out when Hina fell asleep.

You went out and almost shrieked when you saw Naoto you just shrugged after looking at you which made you wonder. Does he know?

"I know you've been there all this time" he answered after reading your expression. You bite your inside cheeks as you nodded slowly. "Say to Hina that I won't be back in here" you said and he nodded. "Anything else?" He asked. "Say thank you for me." You smiled and nodded again. "Take care" he said making you chuckle. "I will, man" you replied and soon went away.

And you went into your dad place and sigh in nervousness.

You knocked into his apartment. Yes, he doesn't live together with you and Takemichi's since the place you are all staying is far to his cafe.

"Oh what brings you here in 9?" He asked and opened the door wider for you to enter. "Well I am now being a burden to my friend so I just went here" you answered. "You sleeping already?" You asked and he shook his head. "Hmm. I'm currently drinking" He replied and you saw some opened bottle of drinks. Not a sake, to your shock. And this seems to be a light drink knowing the brand.

"You don't drink sake?" You asked and he chuckled while nodding as he walk into the table sat down and pour his glass. You sat down in front of him eating some food.

You looked at him as he drink those alcohol. "What's with drinking?" You asked and he looked at you. "Just a little unwinding" he replied and you nodded. "Can I have some?" You bite your tongue after you heard him chuckling. "My girl is becoming a lady now, huh" he said and offered you some. "Just this once alright?" He said and you mentally celebrated.


You eagerly took it and drank it straight. He was quite surprised. The bitter yet strong and familiar taste slide down to your throat making you feel refreshed but also scrunched your face with the aftertaste. Yeah, this body is not used to alcohol yet.

"Hm. You seemed to be used to drinking" he stated making you freeze. Ah yes, you're not originally from this body. "You're just seeing things" you replied and he nodded. "Yeah, maybe I am sice I am getting a little tipsy" he replied. You looked at his face. So that's why it's a light drink. He got a low alcohol tolerance. You made him drink more so he can be drunk.

"Can I tell you something?" You asked after seeing him barely sober. "Hm. Yes" he slurred and you smiled.

"Will you believe me if I say that I am not your daughter?" You asked and he chuckled. "I know" he replied making you shock as you looked at him. He caressed your hair and looked at the color as if he's admiring it.

"My daughter was, how can I say this. She was girly girl. She loves to bake." He started making you look away. "From the day we went into your Aunt's house was also the day my daughter changed. A lot. From the very first she doesn't call me "Dad" because she call me "Papa"" he continued.

"For the first time she called me "Dad" I said maybe she's being independent?" He lightly laughed. "But actually she changed. She constantly looking at her cousin and then looking away. As if she's always on a deep thoughts. Eyes as if she's been into hardship and full of secrets. Constantly having nightmare. Comparing to my daughter she's so understanding"

"My daughter was soft, smart, gentle not so kind but not so bad either. She loves baking and she's the person who convinced my that I should make a cafe. Since she said that my bakings should be known."

"But you. You were sharp, matured, and hate to say this but smarter than my daughter. But on the other side I was kinda relieved since we will be away from each other for a not so long time."

"And there I began to see more changes. You didn't know when is your mom's death anniversary and her birthday. Your birthday. My birthday. My daughter loves her long hair but you experimented on it. Short, long and constantly changing its color"

You felt guilt eating you.

"I am so sorry"

You bowed down and felt his hand on your head.

"It's alright. I just hoped that you enjoyed your life in here rather than your... What do you call it? Ah yes, past life. Besides you still have my daughter face and even if your personality changed you still came from the womb of the woman I love. You're still the fruit of our love"

You smiled at him.

"Thank you" you smiled as you felt your cheeks being wet with all the crying that you didn't knew you were doing. He caressed your cheeks and wiped the tears. "Ahhh that phrase. You know, that is the phrase your mom told you instead of I love you?" He said and you nodded then saw him falling asleep.

"I am really thankful"

You soon cleaned his table and washed his dishes since you can't carry such heavy person you just put some pillows and blankets to him. And slept beside him after.


You woke him up with some cold water and some medicine. "Good morning" you greeted and he just hummed and drank the mentioned things.

"Did something happened last night?" He asked and you chuckled. " Nothing just you falling asleep" you replied. "Nothing to be worried about" you added and he sighed in relief.

"I hope I didn't said too much, kid" he said and you chuckled. "Don't you worry, dad. You didn't said a thing. Not a thing" you reassured and he sighed again and you chuckled.

"I'll just keep calling you, Dad"

You whispered and cooked some breakfast.

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