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Third Person Pov

You keep your lips straight as you followed the two while mentally sweat dropping.

'Ahhh. This is not part of the plan! I was planning in being Namaemonai. Gotta talk to Takemichi before he time leap'

You went inside on their hideout. Seeing motorbike and people on their white uniform. You deadpanned. "Is this color not troublesome when stained?" You mumbles as you looked at them from head to toe. They're doing the same on you two.

I mean why does a girl in dress here? Is she trying to die? Is she want to die that badly?

You, still in your deadpanned expression enter some room and there you saw the Christian Abuser with its five soldiers. You made your face stoic as you enter.

"What's this Kokonoi?" Taiju asked. You mentally rolled your blue orbs still maintaining the stoic face. "Well we got some skills on her especially seduction. We can get money" Kokonoi replied making you slightly flinch.

'This bitch be making me a prostitute'

It's not like you haven't experienced it in your past life. In order to survive you gotta do everything. And when you say everything, you mean everything even if its lose you dignity.

In your past life you already made your body as a weapon since majority of the person your killing is men. You always threw up after every mission you have.

Or either you'll drown yourself into liquors or even take a sleeping pill. Having nightmare in not your cup of tea after all.

'I didn't know that Black Dragon is this wicked'

"Kokonoi, I disagree. I want Black Dragon to be disciplined" Taiju replied making you celebrate inside your head. "I know you'll say that but this girl can also fight. So maybe she'll still got use" Kokonoi said making your eye twitch.

Taiju hum as he stood up and attempt to punch you. It only stopped in your face. He laughed. "You didn't even flinched" he said. Amused. Great! Now you got his goddamn attention.

You looked at his feet and pointed it. They all looked at it. They are not that apart from each other, meaning the punch he is about to give is just to intimidate you. "It is not a stance of someone who really want to hit. And the way you stood up, I guess you just calculated how long your arm will go. Lastly the way you prepared your swing you didn't really flex your shoulder." You rambles.

(I'm not really sure if this is right. But bare with me people)

And he grinned wickedly. "This girl is something" he said. "I'll take that as a compliment" you replied in a poker face. "Don't yah dare act smugly just because of a mere deduction" Inui said as his hands finding for something.

"And don't threaten me when you didn't even felt me picking these" you said as you throw him back his knife. "Now, can I go home. I am hungry and I need to cook for my cousin" you looked at Taiju.

"Join us" Taiju said and your eyes widened. "Excuse me, what?" Your brow raised.

'I'm about to rest after saving those two assholes. Now you're asking me to join you?'

"We'll kill you or you join us. You're choice" Kokonoi butted in. You glared at him. "Silence means yes" Kokonoi smirked and an irk mark made it's way on your forehead.

"Who?" You asked. "What?" He asked back. "Who's gonna kill me?" You replied. And their eyes widened. "Are you for real?" Inui asked you. You raised a brow. "Kidding. Im gonna join if that what's gonna make me home. Alive" you replied.

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