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Third Person Pov

You in your black pedal and grey hoodie with your black mask and white shoes, with your blonde wig of course. You just sat there in a bench in a mid dark part of the Muzashi Shrine.


Draken declared widely. You slightly smirked. It's a down fall for Kisaki tonight. I can't just sit back and not watch it, right?

As they all talked regarding about the Black Dragon. You felt a presence on the other side of the bench where you're sitting. You look at it.


Haruchiyo Sanzu/Akashi.

"Why the hell are you here? You're a Vice Captain, right?" You asked the white haired. This is for future purposes too. In order not to be in his bad side at least build some good impression.

Little do you know. You already did.

"We're alike" he said not really replying to the things you just asked. "How?" You bring back your gaze on the meeting. "We both have Kings in our lives" he replied.

"I was amazed on how you protect that blondie, your own King." He added. You chuckled. "Is that so?" You asked. He didn't replied. You just both looked at the scene unfolding in front of you.

"So who's this King of yours?" You asked. "Mikey or Mucho?" You ask pretending not to know. "Mikey" he replied. You just nodded. 'Of course it's clear!' You thought.


The continued cheering caught both of your attention. "Say, who do you think is the snake in this gang?" You ask pertaining to the 5th Division Captain. The one who is taking care to the traitors is the traitor himself.

'Hypocrite at its finest!'

You mentally rolled your eyes. The white haired looked at you. Confusion is can be seen on his pretty blue orbs. You just stared back at him as Inui made his entrance along with Koko.

"Quit staring or I'll think that you swing that way" you looked back at the Inui who is giving his speech. "Ahh my King is getting some followers again" you said as Baji and Chifuyu looked at the Second 1st Division Captain.

You saw the black and white approached the blonde. Giving their remarks as their followers.


"This is it" you whispered and focused more on the upcoming event. "Tetta Kisaki" Mikey called the tan. "Yes?" He fixes his glass. "You're fired" he declared making snicker. "Deserved" you glared at the four eyes male as the muttering and whispering filled your ears.

Chifuyu reported Kisaki's past betrayal. "What are you saying, Mikey? You're kidding right?" He nervously laughed, not accepting the fact that he got kicked out. "Do you think I'm joking? I'm serious, you're fired" the short blonde replied.

Hanma made his entrance threatening Mikey by stripping a hundred member from his previous group called Valhalla earning a I don't give a damn reply from the Toman's commander.

Mikey declared his doings in front of the Toman's member making them talk to each other.

"In order to make Toman bigger I ignored your underhanded tactics but it will all end now" Mikey said with such emptiness on both of his voice and eyes.


The tan suddenly burst attempting on approaching Mikey but the Vice President stopped his tracks. "Who said you can step up here?" He looked down at the blonde male.

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