Three Dieties

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Third Person Pov

As South little stage play on Rokuhara's hideout they started to prepare to gead out.

You're contemplating wether to kill South or kill the nameless motherfucker who is a side character who shot Draken.

But you also thought of Kantou having an eye on you. If ever they saw you doing 'things' they might use it as a blackmail and make you join them.

Izana went on you as the other prepared to a battle which their group originally started.

"You alright?" He asked not really looking at you. "Of course not, Kurokawa" you replied and went away as you all followed South. As soon as you arrived at the scene South made a quick stop to his great entrance.

As extra as always.

"We're arrived just in time didn't we? To Draken's requiem" he said with wide arms open as he shouted those words and Senju muttering his groups name with such despite.


And a motor sound was heard making you all turn your head the where it came from. Sano Manjiro. You boredly looked at him as he stared lazily yet also having a sharp look at nothingness.

"Interesting" you heard South and you can picture him grinning from ear to ear by now since the current 3 powerful gangs are gathered in here.


"Yeah~" you lazily whispered as you raised your knuckles aligned on your cheeks. You came running as you steamed off yourself if you can't kill South or maybe the nameless side character then maybe you can cool in off yourself by turning it on some not so innocent people.

You kicked and punched.

Typical gang fights.

Wether it may be Kantou or Brahman as long as you can cool your head, you did. You heard South giving command into former Tenjiku which they agreed as they grinned.

Not really giving a damn you continued fighting on some weaklings and soon got bored since their patterns are all offensive. Bitches forgot to take lesson on defense.

"You are all punch"

You punched someone on throat.


You kicked a Kantou member on his gut.

"Not using you elbow"

You did elbow someone on his solar plexus. Pain


You kneed on guys poor hip bone.

"Or even head"

You put your hands on someone's nape and collided you head onto his making their head bleed.

You saw Izana and Kakucho going into Mikey's place, who is currently not moving, so is Koko. Sanzu hit him and Ran hit Sanzu making Izana go into Mikey but Koko stopping him by kicking his balls.


Even though you're not a guy, you shivered at his pain as if you knew the feeling. You went into him and asked him the most stupid question. "You alright there man?" You smiled awkwardly at him and even if he did like you he glared at you.

"Not now Hideki" he replied as you lightly chuckled. "There's an interesting about to start fight between Brahman and Rokuhara" you replied and looked at the three eerily calm figures.

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