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Third Person Pov

"I followed Takemichi just like you said and I saw him talking to this guy" Jin reported and presented you a phone with a picture of your cousin and Takeomi on it as you slurped the ramen.

You're both on his house. He prepared some food for you in which you accepted wholeheartedly.

You're being spoiled by this guy.

"Then they both entered some auditorium and I didn't know what happened after since I can't go in or else I'll be caught" he continued and you nodded.

"Still a great help. I wonder why though" you said and slurped before stopping. "Ohhhhh totally forgot about that girl Senju" you said and Kang Jin just shrugged it.

He is immune to you saying stuff to yourself and besides he doesn't know those people and prying is not his thing.

"I don't know exactly what happened inside that auditorium but your cousin went back with a determined look on his face" he again said. "It's either he got Senju to go to his gang or some tea has been spilled and he said some motivational quote" you shrugged and drink some apple tea.

"What else?" You asked him and he took a deep sigh. He always does before spilling anything. "They will have a meeting on August 31" he said as you finished the ramen soup and took the bowl and glass to the kitchen before going back.

"After I digest this food we will be going somewhere" you said and he nodded.


"I will be climbing this house and wait for me, alright?" You said to Jin in which he nodded to. You went inside Takemichi's house and directly to your room and to your drawer. At the very hidden compartment, where all your gang uniform is hidden. You took one, specifically the black one.

You quietly went out and jump out of window. "Hehe got it" you said and you both swiftly moved away as if nothing happened.

Back into his house.

You checked the uniform if it still fit and it does but a little short to your body now.

"Could you fix this up for me?" You threw the clothes to Jin and he caught it easily and spread. "This is easy" he said before getting your measurements and you both went into his sewing room.

Yes, this guy is hella rich. You don't know why he would cause some ruckus at all. Maybe he just want attention since despite the house and many times you visited you saw none of his family members.

He got some family pictures though. Them wearing Korean traditional outfits. Some wearing Western formal clothing. By that you knew they are composed of a Grandfather, a mom, an older brother and him. You never saw his Dad.

You don't pry though. Maybe he'll smash you then and there if you stick your nose. He'll open up if he wants to.

"Aren't you gonna join me to the gang?" You asked as he cut some black fabrics. "I'll just be there on your back. They know you but they don't know me so maybe they won't accept me that easy" he replied. He is now wearing a glass, maybe to see more clearly.

"Did the so called Mitsuya made this?" He asked and you replied with a P popping Yep while looking at the room. You saw some designs. A traditional and modern designs combined.

He got a skill in art too. Maybe sewing and art do come together. The smell of fabric is high. He got some different kind of you don't know what to call sewing machines. Rich people.

"My mom likes my designs. If only some things didn't happen maybe I'll be in Fashion School by now" he opened up. "Mhm" you replied. Not urging him to continue or stop.

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