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Third Person Pov

Where the heck are you now?

Winds splashing on your delicate features as it made you hair flutter. You looked at the city lights again. You're in some abandoned ruin you're in a high place. You don't really care if this thing will collapse in a second.

Just like when you we're in your past life. You only have two things that you love to do and that is to walk aimlessly and to look at busy streets and city lights.

It really doesn't bore you. Walking aimlessly is kind of a thing that makes you feel happy and scared at the same time. Imagine walking in a path that you're not familiar with, without knowing where your feet will drag you.

It's like a gamble of life. You'll decide wether to choose right or left. Or you'll go further or go back or go to a darker alleys or in a lighter streets.

While looking at the city lights with busy street is your therapy. Seeing different vehicles passing with each other. Seeing people do their business.  Thinking about what do they do for a living. Are they happy? Contented? Or if they regret something.

It feeds your curiosity on people somehow leading to how or what are they thinking about the things that surrounds them or are they satisfied with the repeating circle of their lives.

You sighed.

Today Takemichi will decide to crush Black Dragon. Maybe now with a help of Baji and Chifuyu. Baji is alive but merely having a line. Is like he's just observing which is a surprise for his reckless temper.

Your brows furrowed.

"It's twisted. Is it because they are supposed to die?" You bore your orbs on the sight. "Should I really be interfering?" You asked again. "But it's hard to just lay back here when you know what the hell is happening in both past and future" you looked at the stars.

"But it became unpredictable now that I did some things" you argued again. "This is fuckery" you sighed as you jumped three times in a different spot to go down. You patted your palms together as you looked at straight ahead.

"He'll be rejected"
"Hmm. Rejected"

You and Draken in a different place but same time said. You didn't said to Takemichi about Kisaki and him partnering up and him soon betraying the two blondes and one ravenette. If ever Baji joined them.

Chifuyu and Kisaki's bond is something. You smirked. By the way you're wearing your uniform now. After meeting with Yuzuha since Koko be calling you for now reason.

You rolled your eyes remembering that handsome money maker.

And just like you predicted the motherfucker called you again meeting in some bar or club. You rolled your eyes.

"They caught the mole." You deadpanned as you saw him waiting for you, with two others on his side. "The hell? Why the heck I am involve here?" You asked. "Turned out the mole is working with Toman fuckers" Koko replied smirking.

And realization hit you.

'Maybe they got an investigation on me. And after knowing that I am Takemichi's cousin, who is a Captain in Toman they got me observed. Koko is still Koko after all.'

'And maybe they also got an information about me saving the Baji' you thought as you went inside, following them. "Bitch be thinking I'm a spy" you whispered.

"Sorry to say this Koko but as far as I remember I am under Inui not you" you followed his pace. And he looked at you. "Inui said yes" he smirked making you deadpan. 'Since when did I became a thing?' You thought

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