Toman Vs. Toman

475 21 1

Third Person Pov

Sanzu jumped off the train.

With you.

Yes, he took you with him as he jumped and grinned in which you became irked to and jumped into him and clenching his shirt's collar.

"How could you do something so cruel?!" You asked through gritted teeth in which his grinned just went wider.

You're basically sitting in his stomach as he used his arm to balance himself.

"You're too late. That thing isn't gonna stop that quickly" he taunted and there you punched him, he just let out a laugh. Knowing that his plan is about to be carried.

He didn't bother to stop you. Guess someone's frustration is food for him. You both looked at the train running in a quick pace and you saw Takemichi being thrown out.

You immediately went up and came running into him. "Kakucho pushed me. He can't do it. He's badly wounded. Izana will, he will-----"


You just hugged him and closed your eyes. You've never been so hopeless after your life in here.

'I may be not praying for you but just this once. Please'

"It stopped" you opened your eyes through that statement and looked at the train. It really stopped. "Thank you" you whispered and you both ran to check Kakucho.


His tone alarmed you and quickly checked it yourself too. He's there lying. Breathless. You felt cold water splashed into you. You went into Sanzu only to see him coming on your way too along with his Katana and a clearly pissed off demeanor.


"I should be the one saying that you all of you. How dare you ruin my plan?! You are all goner" he stated as he pointed his Katana to you in which you quickly kicked.

"You sicked addict"

You kicked his stomach in which he quickly dodged and ran to take his katana and raised it about to slice you. Not even thinking twice.


Takemichi quickly used his body to protect you.


There, his booming voice taunted along with the sound of his motorbike.


He jumped and threw his bike directly on Sanzu, who doesn't have time to dodge went flat on the train. You pursed your lips. "Deserved" you chuckled.


Everyone was surprised, so is you. "Damn, you're able to pull that Christian?!" You asked your cousin as he helped you stand up. "Guess so but Mitsuya is the one who convinced him" he sheepishly replied.

A little talk before he became a mad man and did a big rampage to clear a way for Takemichi. The Brahman Duo stopped him midway though.

Demon Vs. Legends

You huff your breath as you looked at Sanzu's state.

"I'm pretty and sure that it's scrambled" you taunted and smirked.

Takemichi was about to step in when Taiju stopped him and said that he should he fighting Mikey in which you agreed to.

"Save your energy for your fight" you said and he nodded. Even the stupidest person can tell that Takemichi has zero to no chances of winning against that Sano Manjirou but we will never know unless we see.

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