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Third Person Pov

After Hanma drop you off he said that he can't pick you and you just nodded. Guess Kisaki needs him now. "Have fun with your date" you smirked and looked at you and for the fourth time he look dumbfounded. You laughed at his face.


You both said with different tone. You amused and him displeased. You tapped his motorbike where you sat. "Go now have fun and please don't forget to use protection" you looked so serious while saying those words and hurriedly went inside the store when he's about to burst.

You laughed inside while sticking your tongue out and him giving you a dirty finger before going away. You just shook your head and put on your cap.

And you did your job.

After your shift you went out life you always do with popsicle stuffed in your mouth, you stretched. You're about to head your way when you felt someone staring at you.

You looked around and saw him. A guy with a long silky ravenette hair leaning on his motorbike. "Seems like I still have to face this." You whispered and approached him.

"State yah business" you said as you stopped on his side. "Leave Valhalla" he said. You took out your F/F flavored popsicle and look at him. "But it's fun" you replied.

"They are bad news ok!" he looked frustrated. "Better. More fun for me" you bite your popsicle. "Hey its dangerous!" He said then gripped your both shoulder.

You clicked your tongue. "Oi. We only met two times so don't act like you're my friend or something" you said while he slowly loosen his grip on you. "Oh so you're not considering me as a friend?" He asked bowing and you widened you eyes.

"The fuck bro. Don't act dramatic. It doesn't suit you" you said and tapped his shoulder before going away. He gripped your arm.

"Please get out of there" he said you licked your upper teeth. "I know it's gonna be a weird question but, Baji Keisuke, do you trust me?" You looked at him and he slowly rose up his head meeting his brown orbs with your blue one.

"I don't kn---"
"It's a yes or no question"

"Fine. I trust you. I don't know but it seems like you know what you're doing and it is not just for 'fun'" he replied and you smiled. "Great. Now take me home." You said and he raised his eyebrow. "Got a problem?" You raised yours too. "You're really is something" he shook his head.

While driving you looked at his back.

"Don't yah worry I will save no matter what, of course I won't kill myself in the process" you whispered and chuckled. "Hah?!" He asked while looking back at you. "Im not saying anything." You replied back and he didn't believe but didn't questioned it which is fortunate for you.

After he dropped you off, you thanked him and barged inside Takemichi's room seeing him tearing up. "Come here, you crybaby" you said and he went unto you. 'This guy needs a comfort too' you said to yourself as you repeatedly patted his back gently.


The next day your being Namaenonai again. "I didn't even get a wink of sleep" the half asleep and half awake Takemichi said. "It's because you worry too much" you replied adjusting your black mask. You continued to walk.

"Hey. C'mere. Pop a squat"

A voice filled your eyes and both looked at the guy with a blonde locks and blue orbs. Half of his face is covered with some gauze, some of his face got some bruise and bandages.

Takemichi dragged you with him thinking that he is a crazy dude but you smack his head. "That is Baji's friend" you said and he looked at the guy.

Do You Trust Me? (TokRevXReader)Where stories live. Discover now