Black Dragon

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Third Person Pov

Wearing your Black Dragon uniform since Taiju called all of you. You looked at Hakkai. You all lined up.

"Listen up, men! Me and Koko are in charge of Black Dragon today. Boss we'll take our leave now" Inupi said in his usual cold voice. "Yeah" Taiju replied.

'He said men. So am I supposed not to listen?' you mentally put a hand on your chin.

'Baji, Chifuyu and Takemichi is probably pledging on each other right now' you thought as you silently went away and made your way to that chapel that will soon be bloody.

But you didn't went on the front but instead on the back. And there, you saw two of them grinning manically. You gritted your teeth and made your way and jumped on Kisaki's face and punching Hanma on the process.

"Hanma, I told you I know everything right?" You looked at his figure slowly getting up. "Tsk. How I wished I wore a heels." you looked at Kisaki's form. "Disgusting" you said and went away to the chapel.

'Chifuyu and Baji will be saved soon. First off all, Yuzuha!'

You went inside the chapel just to see the scene unfold. Yuzuha already did it. She's already flying. "I told you not to commit a crime right?" You whispered as the siblings bickered. Your brows are furrowed.

'Good thing they still didn't noticed my presence' Seeing this you knew Kisaki still managed to deceive Yuzuha. You silently clicked your tongue.

"I came here to save you, I'm gonna end this" Yuzuha's voiced caught your attention. "But why are you here?" Hakkai asked again. "Takemitchy, you told Yuzuha didn't you. You're the only one I told you about my plan is" he glared at your cousin. You hid yourself.

"Huh. No. You're wrong" Takemichi became confused. "You're wrong. Hanagaki didn't told me anything. Kisaki Tetta told me everything" Yuzuha replied making Takemichi realized things.

"Fuck. You fucked up Yuzuha" Taiju undressed his coat, revealing his tattooed back. You pursed your lips. "What a bod. Y'all sure he's 16?" you whispered. "Thanks to this kid who yelled when he saw you. I got a chance to move" Taiju said.

"So hate Hanagaki. So sad, Hakkai, Yuzuha. You tried to kill your blood related brother. Your own family who whittled down his own flesh and bones for you" he added.

You facepalm. 'Psychologist! Now I know what will my future job is. I'm sure I'll get nice amount of money' you rolled your eyes. As they started revealing their true feelings for each other.

You heard some clashing. Yuzuha is basically fighting with Taiju right now. You just sat there. Not because you didn't cared but because this is meant to happen. Letting them have their own good fight.

"They are the one who tried to kill me IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Taiju roared and you heard a thud. Takemichi taken a blow.


You can literally see Takemichi's face without even looking at him. "This is the path that we chose" Yuzuha tried to get up. You saw Takemichi huff and said something. You went into some dark place where no one will notice you.

You saw Mitsuya entered and gripped the knife Yuzuha's holding. "This isn't something you use to protect others" he said. 'Yes, him and his advocacy' you mentally clapped.


"Let go Yuzuha. You're cutting my hand" he smiled. "For someone who's being cut, you're weird" you whispered. And Yuzuha collapsed on Mitsuya's shoulder.

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