Izana Special

574 19 3

Peaches and Cream by Noah Davis
Star City (It's you) by Tanny Ng

Third Person Pov

"I'll pick you up at 7, dress your best. Wear something maroon"
-My King

You yawned as you read the text from you boyfriend and lazily stood up. "Goddamn, I don't know how to dress" you said as you looked at yourself in a mirror. You called Emma and Hina for some help since it's still 4:30 of the afternoon. You just took a bath as they said.

They came at exactly 5 and you were just drying your hair with a blower.

"Hey there" Emma greeted. "Hiyah!" Hina smiled and you let them enter. "Good thing you're here. I have no idea what to wear!" You panicked which made them giggle.

"Well you're in luck!" Emma winked. And you three entered your room ans Hina went directly to your walk in closet. You heard it right. Walk fucking in closet. Izana gave you a house in your 21st birthday.

He said he'd gladly let you stay in his own penthouse but he still respect the fact that you wanna have your own house because it has been your dream ever since.

"You have so many clothes!" You heard Hina said as Emma is starting to prepare the make up kits and some hair stuffs. "Where and what type of restaurant are you gonna dine to?" Emma asked. "I think it's one of Taiju's, so I expect it to be a classy and 5 star at that" you replied and they agreed.

"It's Taiju we're talking about, of course it is gonna be" Emma agreed and Hina went out. "Do you have a motif?" She asked and you took out your phone and showed it to her. "Maroon?" She asked herself before snapping her fingers and going back to the closet.

"Well then, we'll have your make up fierce" Emma said as she scanned your face and then she started spraying some things before putting some liquid foundation and some other things as Hina went out having three burgundy dresses.

"So we have a choice here, one sexy, one classy and one formal. Which is it?" She asked as she presented the dress.

First one is sleeve less satin dress clearly a fitted one. It has a silver strap and a backless one with a mid thigh length.

Second one has a body con with a sheer loose long sleeve and tht stops directly to the wrist. It can be off shoulder or not. Also mid thigh length.

Last is a sleeve less a-line gown with a slit on the right side. It got a criss cross strap at the back.

You decided to chose (Your choice) and wore them as the time struck at 6:45. You looked at yourself in the mirror. "Damn, I look good" you smirked and imagined your boyfriend's reaction.

"Well what can we say" Emma smugly said. "Have fun, Y/n" Hina said as she sprayed you some Miss Dior Perfume. "Don't have too much fun, well if you know what I mea---" "Emma-san!" Hina stopped her before dragging her out as they said their goodbye.

At exact 6:59 you can hear his car engine right outside of you house so you took your white Chanel bag mini with a silver chain and went out while clicking your White Patent Leather Heel from LV.

You're basically a walking brand.

There you saw him in a maroon suit with three button open and he fold it into three fourth tuck in a brown slacks with formal shoes with a Gucci Belt. He made his hair pushed back with a little strand falling in front.

He whistled upon seeing you. "You look so beautiful, My Queen" he comolimented in which you giggled. "Oh my, I should be the one saying that, My King" you returned the compliment.

"Oh well let's get going. After you" he said as he opened the door and guided you inside before closing and going to the other side and drived.

One of the Taiju's restaurant is filled with aquarium.

"I supposed you're Izana Kurokawa and Y/n L/n?" The waiter asked and you both nodded. "Very well then, please follow me" he said as he guid you both. You roamed your eyes to the different fish you saw as you and him are walking with hand holding.

"Here is your table, please wait for your three course meal, the appetizer will be served by exact three minutes, followed by main dish and ending in a desserts" he said and went away you can hear piano and violin playing together and some waiter appeared with an appetizer and wine.

"So romantic" you can help but to utter. "Just like you" he replied. "Wine, Ma'am, Sir?" The waiter asked and presented some Wine and you both nodded.

You both ate the appetizer and it tasted fine. "Do you want to stay into my house after this?" Izana asked and you thought about your schedule for tomorrow.

"Sure, my first client will be in 1 in the afternoon" you said and he smiled as the waitress appeared and put the main course. "Hey let me do it for you" he said as you were about to slice your steak.

"Here" he said and fork feed you. "Mhm, it's taste good" you complimented. "If you say so" he said and let you eat before slicing his own and tasting it, nodding as he chew.

"It's tender and has so much flavor" he agreed. "I can't stop admiring these fishes" you said as you looked around while eating. "Yeah, but your much more admirable" he said which made you giggle.

"Oh please" you olayfully rolled your eyes. "What? I'm just telling you the truth" he said and you wiped the sauce out of his face with a tissue. "You got a little there" you said.

Little more the dessert came and you both enjoyed the creme brulee with a berry toppings.

Afte the meal you stayed a little before he stood up and held his yabd in front of you. "The music is kind of good so can I have a dance, My Queen?" He asked and you chuckled. "My pleasure, My King" you replied and stood up.

You danced the song with his hand on your waist and you hands on his shoulder.

"God, you're so beautiful" he said and you just kissed his lips as an answer. "You really kiss at unpredictable times" he said and you shrugged. "Habits" you replied. "I don't mind" he said.

The waitresses and waiters clapped their hands after you danced. You blushed in embarrassement and bowed your head to hid your flustered face. "Now don't be shy, My Queen" he touched your chin and you just shook your head.

After a little while you are now getting out of the restaurant and the car came into your front before someone went out and gave the key back to Izana. "Thank you" he said and opened the car door again for you and went into his side.


Went into his place and there you took off your heels and threw yourself in his bed before he went in next. "You tired?" He asked. "Not really but my ankle sure does" you replied and he chuckled before kissing your temple. "Go change first" he said and you stood up before going into his bathroom and stripping off.

In the middle of your ahowering you felt someone touched and kissed your wet shoulder.

"You don't know hownI stopped myself earlier. You said you're not tired and you're client is gonna be in the afternoon" you can feel him smirk before turning you to face him.

"Tonight up till tomorrow morning. You are all gonna be mine" he said before carrying you and crashing his lips to yours.


And we'll leave the rest to the history or to your imagination.

Pray for your well being 🙏

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