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Third Person Pov

You went missing.

Not in the Kantou's headquarter. Not in Hanagaki's turf.

No one knows about your wherebouts except two people.

"You're awake"

Koko-kun's voice filled Takemichi's ears the moment he woke up. "You've been unconscious for 3 days" the ravenette added making the blonde remember the things that happened before he lost his consciousness as Koko added some things for him to know.

"And your cousin went missing"

Takemichi's dull eye widened a little after Koko added it.

"Welp, I am going now and make sure to grasp the aftermath of that huge battle, alright? And the first one to find Y/N will have a huge advantage. See yah"

He went out.

As the time passed by the blonde could only think about his purpose is and where on earth are you.

A duo visited him. A blonde and a ravenette

Both angry at different reason.

"I went into Draken's funeral and it got me pondering. Takemichi what the hell is wrong with you? You met Draken-kun in future right?! So why is he gone? Why do you have to come back when things are going well in the future?!"

The blonde cried as he accused the lying unspoken blonde.

"And Y/N, she went missing not even the Kantou have her?! Tell me Takemichi what happened to her in future?!"

The ravenette tried his best to stop himself to clutch Takemichi's collar considering his current state which so bad.

"It's your fault that Draken-kun is!...."

"Y/N went missing because of....."

The two looked at each other as they both stopped themselves for blurting those hurtful word to the blonde who is looking at void.

"I'm sorry, Takemitchy"
"My bad, Takemitchy"

They both muttered as if realization hit their narrow heads.

"It's alright Chifuyu, Baji-san. It's all my fault"

Finally the accused bed ridden already spoke but it's doesn't seem to please the other two since the other blonde left a threat and the ravenette only shook his head in disappointment.

Hina tried to approach them asking why the two are leaving already. But to be shut out.

Takemichi again thought to himself some useless things like

"This will be a battle of my own"


There you are at the dark room not opening the light swith since it'll make some people to discover where the hell you are.

Wearing a slight loose t shirt and some short as you yawned and stood up, checking the clock.

"It's already 7:34"

You said as you peeked at the window seeing the light of the houses below you.

You took off your shirt. Wincing at the pain you felt as you poked your lower rib. It's already 5 days since you woke up and escaped Kantou's lair.

You just here sleeping and gaining your strength with her help you can change your clothes, eat and sleep. She is also helping you with your bandage situation.

You chuckled remembering Izana's face after he saw you doing that escaping stunt but hissing again feeling that fucking pain.


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