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Your Pov

As I open my eyes I look around.

Where the hell I am?!

"Hey kid come on or we gonna miss the train" a guy with brown long hair basically dragged me and me being clueless where the heck I am. I just go with the flow.

As we are going around I saw myself at the mirror. My eyes widened. I look so different. Short brown hair. Cat like eyes with blue color. Seems like this girl is about 11-12.

(Yes. I didn't put H/C and E/C since you are reincarnated so basically your appearance is based on what the body you possessed look like. If you read Isekai stories yah will understand)

Who the hell is this fine specimen?!

And realization hit me. The guy is not speaking my mother tongue but as clear as crystal I can understand it.

How and what the hell is happening?!

Then much faster than a cheetah we are now standing in front of a house. Me still asking where the hell I am.

A girl with black hair welcomed us warmly, seems like she is close to this guy who dragged me here. And the way they address each other I learned that they are siblings and this guy who look like a guy version of me is much older than the girl.

Then we went inside the house and there I saw a little boy.

He look so familiar. I narrowed my eyes at him which I feel made him conscious so I look away. He got black hair and blue eyes.

Where the hell did I saw that ugly face again?!

"Ah Y/N, this is your cousin Hanagaki Takemichi and Takemichi this is your cousin Ryoka Y/N and I am your Aunt Mira and Takemichi this is your Uncle Ryoka Midori" the girl introduced us to each other.

And there my eyes widened.

"What was his name again?" I asked her. I noticed that I became fluent in this language. What language it is again?

Ah Nihonggo.

"Hanagaki Takemichi"

'Hanagaki Takimichi'

'Hanagaki Takemichi'

'Hanagaki Takemichi'

I feel like my soul left my body, widening my blue orbs as I look at them like they are some sort of alien. I slowly opened my mouth want to say something.

"Ah ahahaha"

And everything turn black.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place where suddenly jolt and looked around on high alert.

"A-ah hi. My m-mom and your dad went o-out to check the s-shop" Takemichi's voice filled my ears. "Shop?" I asked. "They are planning on making a Baking Store" he replied.

So my father is a cook huh.

"Are you alright?" He suddenly asked. "Yeah why? And it's is called Cafe" I replied back. "Oh is that it? By the way Mom said that I should tour you around since your new here" he said and I nodded.

Yeah I badly need it.

Then we started wandering on the street so is my mind. Like what the hell happened, it so sudden and I can barely even move on from my own death.

Is rat or ant are crawling on my body? Who found it? What if the girl came back and experience something horrible?

But knowing Miguel. He is basically laughing right now while selling my organs.

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