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Third Person Pov

And the most awaited date came. "Takemichi put your guards up" you warned him as you put on your hoodie. "You sure you're not gonna go there with me?" He asked you. You shook your head.

"Don'cha worry too much. We are heading at same place but just in different times." You replied and put on you shoes.

'And besides Hina-chan will kiss you later. For me, it'll be your great reward' you thought and chuckled. "Well then, I'm off" he waved his hands and went away.

You stayed there for a little and looked for a proper mask and raincoat. "I'm gonna be in action later, gotta make sure this thing won't fall" you muttered as you secured your mask with some pins.

Put your umbrella and raincoat on a bag. "Crap, I totally forgot to warn the Walking Punching Bag" you slapped your forehead. Too much worry on rain that you forgot to tell it to your own cousin.

"Sometimes you're stupid yourself too Y/N" you shook your head and started to walk away from the house leaving your phone. "Can't afford to let them see my girl-themed phone" you said as you walk.


And then you arrived just as when the rain started to fall and you know by now that the walking Delinquent Encyclopedia is reporting something on Takemichi.

As you made your way to find Draken kun. Takemichi is thinking about the warn you gave him.

'Crap I got carried away. Is this what Y/N mean earlier?' He thought and saw a group of Toman members with one Moebious member handling the motherfucker named Kiyomasa a knife.

"Im gonna kill Draken" he said and Takemichi felt someone dragged him by hair and threw him on the ground. Kiyomasa started taunting him and eventually beating him and him due to fear started to apologized. Then they taped the poor boy using a duct tape.


You now that Hina will eventually come and Takemichi will rant about him being weak. Not being Mikey or Draken. Hina lean at the lying boy and kiss him on the lips making him stop.

"First kiss I gave it to you cause you're a special person. You're not Draken-kun or Mikey-kun, Takemichi-kun is Takemichi-kun"

"You shed tears for other people without holding back and worry for other people from the bottom of your heart. That's who you are"

"Nobody else is as cool as you"

And our crybaby hero cried again people. You remembering Hina's line made you shook your head while chuckling. "Damn my dear cousin. You got yourself a package" you said and eventually finding Draken.


Simultaneously, you and Peh arrived at the same time. But you didn't reveal yourself yet. "Oh Peh, what's with shas bro?" He asked "It's Draken hunting time" Peh said looking like a possessed person. Well, he always look like that.

Draken who hint something is wrong commanding Emma to stand back. Then he faced Peh yan inviting him for a fight. Little did he know that someone is already hiding at the bushes ready to aim.

"DRAKEN!" Emma shouted, "My cue" you said and licked you bottom lips. You revealed yourself and jumped in front of him and kicked his face. "Nice sa--"

He got hit by someone again. "Shit" he cursed and you began being surrounded by Moebius members. You readied yourself and y'all started to pounce at each other.

You throw kicked and punches from here and there. "This is nice" you whistled and kicked someone on nose and you swear to whomever you knew you broke his nose.

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