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Third Person Pov

The next day you just silently followed your cousin and Chifuyu along with Baji as they discuss on how to bring down the fucker called Mikey.

"Yah wanna bring down Mikey too?" Baji ask as the two converse with Hakkai. "Maybe yes? Maybe no? Depends" you shrugged. "You and your vague answers" he scoffed making you chuckle. "Force of habit" you reasoned. "Force of habit, my foot" he snorted this time.

"Hey lovebirds. We are going to meet the others, wanna come?" Chifuyu said. "L-lovebirds?!" Baji's ears tip became red as you yawned. "Sure I wanna see them too" you replied and you both end up in a building.

'Wow this is a nice place'

You thought as you roam your eyes on the certain office. "Long time no see, Takemitchy. And oh? Baji's girl what's your name again? Ryoka?" an old familiar dude said and once again Baji's ears became red as you tilted your head to him. "Who are you?" Takemichi asked.

"Come on man, it's me Haruki Hayashida" he took off his glasses. And you put the side of your knuckles in your palm as realization painted your face. "Pah-chin, right?" You said and he grinned. "The one and only" he said making you smile. "And it's Ryoka Y/N" you said. "Oh yeah that dude, Namaenonai" he said making you nod. "Yep!" You replied.

And there Takemichi started shouting in realization.

"Hold on, you got release on juvie?!" He asked making you facepalm. "Huh? What kind of joke are you making?" A guy with a long hair asked. His earring made you recognize him.


"Mitsuya?!" Your cousin once again shouted. "Oh Taka-chan is here too" Hakkai look happy. 'Suspicious' you thought and mentally slapped yourself.

"Is your cousin always shouting?" Baji asked ang you just nodded. "You can't blame him" you looked at him. "But compare to you his reaction is" he said and you just chuckled. "Let him be" you patted his back.

"Huh? Peh yan-kun" Takemichi's voice caught your attention back to them. And they started conversing into getting some rooms. You looked at you cousin, who can't seems to talk about his real concerns why he is here instead he just smiled while looking at them. Soon Chifuyu and Baji came joining them added by Takemichi.

"How about you Y/N-chin?" Peh yan asked and you just shook your head. "I'm good living with Takemichi but lemme take a look" you replied as yiu went to join them.

You looked at the designs. Actually, it's really pretty and seems comfortable to live to. You ran you eyes to them one by one as Chifuyu reminded Takemichi why is he here.

And you just agreed to his decision. I mean, they are all living good now bringing up the concerns will only ruin the mood. Good thing, Baji didn't forced him.

You soon all went away, Hakkai soon separated his way. Baji and Chifuyu came running to their part time. Pet shop. As you and your cousin walk away he began running. "Bro what the fuck?!" You asked him in confusion as you both stop on some field.

"Y/N. I can't let them involve in this" he said and you just nodded. "This is Mikey's way to protect the future after all" you agreed as you huff, looking at the view in front of you. Suddenly, his phone came ringing.

Ending you both in a shop and seeing the blonde tinkering some motor.

"It's been a while Draken-kun" Takemichu smiled. "Yeah" he replied soon standing up and wiping his hands. "And I just finished fixing this CB250T" he grinned.

They soon went away and you just waited for them when your phone came ringing.

"South made his move"
"What do you mean?"
"He got Inui Seishu and now he is bringing him back to Draken"
"Ah what the fuck. Draken just went away with Takemichi"
"Where are you?"
"Draken's shop. I'll just wait for them"
"Take care Y/N"
"I will"

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