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A four years old Y/N said while running and flapping her paper showing a five stars she got from her teacher.

"Oh really. You deserve some treats then" her mother ruffled her hair. "Oi What did I hear? My daughter got a five stars? Hmmm?" Her father entered the scene and lifting her only daughter. "Waahh. Again again!" She giggle.

Her mother owned a carenderia. She's a really great cook. While her father is a police officer. With a humble house for the three of them. They live comfortably, happy and contented.

(Carenderia- in the Philippines. A food stall with a small seating area, typically in a market or at a roadside.)

As she grows, her fonds of book grew too. Too much that she has two bookshelves on her room and one on the living room.

"I heard that you ace the test again?" Her father asked. She nodded. "Hmmm. I just study that's all" the now 9 years old shrugged. "You've been studying too much. Why don't you go and play outside?" Her mother looked at her.

"Yes kid. I know studying is important but go make some friends too" her father agreed. She nodded. "After I finished this book series" she replied and both of her parents sighed.

"Ok ok I'll try" she sighed too seeing them looking hopeless at making her an extrovert. "But if I made one. Give me books alright?" She bribed. "Make more than one kid" her father smirked.

Her lips became pointed and she huffed. "You. You're bullying me" she looked at him. And her parents just laughed at their little one.

Not until.

"With High Honors Y/N L/N"



Graduation. Elementary Graduation. A suppose to be happy event in her life became a nightmare.

"Should we go home?" Her mother ask as the ceremony is finished. Her and her parents is now in field walking to reach the gate.

"Wait I forgot something on the chair in the gym" her mother said. "Oh I'll come with you. Kid wait for us outside" her father ordered the now 12 years old daughter.

"Just go faster. I want to eat my moms food" she smiled. "Hahahaha me too" her father laughed and her mother just shook her head. And they went back inside the gym and her waiting outside. Sitting on some bench.

When a loud explosion followed by the ground shaking surprised not just her but all of the people who've been affected by the sudden event.

"Oi what was that!"
"You fool it's a bomb!"
"It's in the gym"

Someone cried, yelled, panicked. She just stood there and soon unconsciously walking towards her parents direction. Her eyes widened as she saw the once happy gym became bloody.

It was ruined.

She just stood there. Not aware of the tears keep falling from her E/C orbs. Body scattered everywhere. Blood smeared on ground some on the decorations.

"Hey kid you should wait there" a police officer put a hand on her shoulder, she looked at her. "Oh you're L/N's daughter. Where is your father?" She asked. The kid just looked back at the gym.

The police officer understand what the hell she meant, widened her eyes. "Ahhh just wait there" she ushered her and medic came to rescue who been trapped.

"What was the reason of the bombing?" She overheard two police officers talking. "The target was the Principal" the one replied. "Tsk. What a pain" the other one said.

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