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Third Person Pov

As the night came you did your 'job' as a psychiatrist. "They will open the time capsule" you muttered as you read some of your files.

You went out of the mental institution after your session with some mentally deranged woman who lost her mind the because of the trauma.

She's been raped by her most trusted person. That's her backstory if you want to know. Due to people not believing her, she slowly lose herself.

"Cruel" you whispered and went to the temple and saw them, finished in reading Mikey's letter.

"I see you're all finished" you greeted and they all looked at you. Baji came running and so is Takemichi. "Y/N, glad you came" the ravenette grinned so are you.

"Of course. I had enough dealing with those mentally deranged people, I need a break" you replied. "Yow Y/N still beautiful as ever" Chifuyu greeted. "You flatter me" you smiled at him.

"You didn't come to our shop after the last you did" Smiley whined and you chuckled. "I'm sorry I have a busy schedule" you reasoned. "Even in my wedding" Pah said.

Yes, after the Tenjiku Incident and after knowing your persona Pah thanked you for attempting to stop him from stabbing Osanai which is even though, futile.

"I'm really sorry" you smiled at him. "I'll let you slide since my wife liked the present you gave" he huff and you smiled again but now with closed eyes. "I see" you replied.

'What gift did I even gave?' You mentally deadpanned at him.

"Well let me read my letter" you said and Takemichi gave it to you.

Dear future me,

Im sure you will have a happy future along with others. Did you have a husband? Is someone courting you? Nah of course none. No one meets your standard by the way.

Are still faking some persona to scam people? Nursing Takemichi and hanging out with Hina and Toman? I don't give a damn but as long as you're happy that's it.

Past Me

"Tch. That's it?" You deadpanned. "Didn't know you're dramatic" Baji teased. "If we are together you'll know a lot" you replies is still making him flustered. "Baji is a simp" Mitsuya smirked as you all went away from the Temple leaving Takemichi with his new found cassette.


You went into Mistusya's shop since this is the day where Hina will try the dress on. "I can't waste a good chance to see a goddess now wouldn't I?" You smirked as you drive and went inside the shop.

"I'm late!" Your cheery voice made them turn to you. "Eh? Where the hell is Takemichi?" You raised a brow. "He went out saying he have to go. Is Takemichi alright Y/N-chan?" Hina asked.

You shrugged.

"I've been busy myself too but nevermind that. You're so beautiful Hina. You sure you'll gonna marry him?" You asked and she slapped your arm playfully as others chuckled and snorted.

"You're just jealous since no one is gonna marry you" Baji teased again and you smiled at him sweetly. "There they go again" Chifuyu muttered. "Says the one who is always blushing when I gave him a pick up lines. And Mitsuya?" You called the guy.

"Yes?" He replied. "Take my and Baji's measurement. Well gonna get married first before them" you smirked and jabbed a thumb to Hina. "H-huh?" Baji stepped back as Mitsuya stood up getting his measuring tape.

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